Apples: The Perfectly Engineered Fruit

Apples: The Perfectly Engineered Fruit

During the 19th century there were more than 14,000 varieties of apples grown in the U.S. Today there are 90. Apples, the second most-popular fruit in the U.S., have been genetically engineered for bright colors, disease resistance, sweetness, easy picking and slower decaying – without a thought to nutritional value. Is this really the same fruit that nature intended?…/article/the_apple_in_north_america…/notable-quotable-low-hanging-fruit-145…

Drink water

There are many important reasons to drink water, especially when working on weight loss. Water is an essential component in your body. You lose water through normal activities. Drinking water is important for weight management and overall health. Here are some tips: • Sometimes, we feel hungry when we are actually thirsty. • Always keep a water bottle with you. • Don’t wait for thirst! Sip throughout the day. • Drink water with meals. • Don’t skip the water fountain – always take a sip. How much water do we need? • The average adult loses about 2 ½ quarts (about 10 cups) of water each day. Therefore, drinking approximately 8–12 cups throughout the day is sufficient. • Heat (hot outside), activity (physically active), and diet (high protein intake, caffeine, or alcohol) increase your need for water.