How To Develop a Mind-set For Success


Compiled and Abstracted By
Dr. Ariston P Awitan

Go Back to Basics: Apply the Available Proven Knowledge

I am talking here about how you can apply what is already well-known to
develop a mind-set for success in life.

What comes to my mind is the work of Napoleon Hill, who is well-known to practically anyone who read books.

This information is also available in one of the Our Products in Millionaire Marketing Machine/Elite Marketing Alliance .

Let’s go to the 13 Secrets of Napoleon Hill, taken from his book “Think and Grow Rich” and apply this to our lives
to develop a mind-set for success.

The definition of a mind-set is the ideas and attitudes with
which a person approaches a

The Word Origin and History for mind-set:
“habits of mind formed by
previous experience,” 1920, in
educators’ jargon.

Mind-set in Medicine: A fixed mental attitude or
disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.

Lets go to each secret one at a time .

Success always begins
with desire.
Desire is the fuel that ignites the fire that transmutes thoughts into things.
It should be a burning passion of fervent desire.
Develop a burning passion for success. Without it, you
are highly unlikely to achieve it.
Your desire must be specific. It must be attached to a
clear and specific ideal, a clear and consistent thought picture of what
success means to you.

So for instance that you have a passion to help a particular group of people, you should have a strong fervent passion and desire to do it with a specific reason why you are doing it and how you would feel seeing the picture in your mind of how you see it when you have already accomplished your goal.

Not only must you have a burning desire for a specific thought of success, but you must also have the faith or belief that success is not only
available to you as an abstract, but it is your birthright and all you need
to do is claim it as your own and it shall be yours.

Hill also goes on to say that autosuggestion or repeated affirmations can
enable faith and belief.

Brainwash yourself…cleanse your mind of any limiting core beliefs you may hold so that new empowering beliefs can be installed.

“Faith is,” indeed, to quote Christianity’s greatest salesman, Paul, “the evidence of things not (yet) seen.” Doubt can turn a molehill into a mountain. Faith can move mountains.

There are two separate energetic vibrational outputs of human
consciousness that lead to creation, or conscious manifestation, when
they are braided together.
The first is concrete, specific, repetitive, idealized thought combined with desire.
The second is firm, profound belief in the actuality of an ideal combined with intentionality of behavior. Have faith. It shall come to pass.

So in the case of your mission to help a particular group of people, if you have faith and repeatedly think about it with strong desire and a profound belief that you can do it, you can achieve it. This clearly-defined goals should be written with a definite time limit, and you have to look at it often.

Aside from having clearly defined written goals that are
repeated, preferably out
loud to oneself throughout the day. Now Hill goes
further and states that it is very important to affirm
one’s goals and ideals at some quiet time, such as just before falling asleep. The quiet time is ideal for auto- suggestion or affirmation.

When you intentionally think about, repeat and affirm your ideals, you
are planting the seeds that will grow to bear fruit.

When your mind is still and focused, you are, in effect, preparing
fresh and
fertile, weed- free, ground in which to plant your thought seeds.
In addition to preparing the ideal mental ground to plant your thought
seeds, meditation also stills your mind so that intuition can be accessed,
insight can be attained and your connectivity to the infinite and absolute can be ascertained.

We have discussed this Auto-Suggestion thoroughly in our previous session on the “Subconscious Mind”.

Knowledge, by and of itself, has little, if any, value.
You may find that shocking or, at least contrary to everything you’ve
been taught, but it is true.
Knowledge only becomes valuable in
application. You may have heard that knowledge is power. Wrong. It is
applied knowledge that begets power, wealth and the advancement of
humanity. The secret is in the application, not in the knowledge itself.
Hill does point out
that although
universities possess perhaps all of the aggregate knowledge of
humankind, professors, for the most part, although surrounded by all this
knowledge and though very knowledgeable, have themselves little or no
money; while many people
of little formal education go on to produce
great wealth and great material advancements for all humanity.

He also alludes to that the very best form
of specialized knowledge, that a person who desires success and wealth
can obtain, is the knowledge of how to become successful.

He strongtly suggests to teach our children that it is the application of the specific education
that will bring success and happiness.

Hill makes great use of the story of Henry Ford proving, in the courtroom,
that although he was uneducated
he was not ignorant, because, as he
said it, “any time I should wish to know something specific, I can simply
push a button on my desk and some person who knows the answer will
come to provide it to me.”
These days, with the accumulation of information and training being as
easy as the ‘click of a mouse’, there is no excuse for not being successful
in any field, except that you are ignorant of the principles of success, or
for some personal perversity, refuse to apply them to your life.

The two main
types of imagination, are ‘synthetic imagination’ and ‘creative
Synthetic imagination is the manipulation of effects. Creative imagination
is causal that creates effects.
Synthetic imagination merely, at best, can improve upon what already exists. The
bringing of new things into existence requires the use of creative

The creation of wealth can be obtained, with diligence, through the
informed and
practical use of synthetic imagination (e.g. creating a better
mouse trap), but most wealth and most advancement in human
technology comes about through the use of creative imagination, like all things, from the invention of writing to the invention of the Internet
came about because of the use of creative imagination.
Know this: that which you imagine, expect and visualize in your internal
world is that which gets produced in your external world.

We need to have concrete written goals that are in harmony
with our chosen purpose and/or ideals.

Goals are not vague aspirations like, ‘I want to be rich.’ They
concrete, defined steps in the fulfillment of your personal vision or
purpose. They are a specific plan.

95% of people who have (and daily refer to) written goals end up
accomplishing them.
95% of people who do not have written goals, do not accomplish
much of anything.
Businesses that succeed have a business plan. The business of life also
requires a plan. Goals should have a deadline or dates to accomplish them.

The ability to make clear, firm resolute decisions is as precious a gift as
life itself. It is what enables
human beings to take control of their lives, to
rise above chance and circumstance and to chart a destiny.

Those who fail to make conscious choices may as well not have any free will, for they
squander the gift of decisiveness.

The successful and
happy human being is the one in whom choice is
intentional and purposeful. Decision produces results. It can, also be said
that the failure to decide is, in itself, a decision, a decision to let your life
be governed by event and circumstance.
can be called choice by design. Lack of decisiveness is choice by
default. It is also a choice. It is the decision to choose unhappiness,
mediocrity and commonality.
Those who make decisions are the masters of their fate. Those who don’t
are the servants of fate.
There is enormous power unleashed by a simple decision.
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Decisions should be firm; as in the following example:
“I resolve this date of (day, month, year) ________________
to do such and such and to stay the course until it is done.”
Which brings us to Hill’s eighth secret of success… persistence.

Hill says this, “Persistence is an essential factor in transmuting desire into
its monetary equivalent.” He goes on to explain that desire (passion) plus
the power of will (persistence) make an irresistible pair and almost
always end up producing wealth.

A long attention span, combined with determination, is an attribute shared by all successful people.

Thomas Edison commented that 90% of people quit 90% of the way to
accomplishing their goals. These days it is 99% who quit a mere 20% of
the way. Those who persist, win.

Let me venture to say that periodic evaluation of the result of your activity is important as you persist in your journey, because if the way you think and what you believe is
not producing the results you desire, persisting in hanging on what
does not work is not going to help you achieve your goal.

Purpose plus passion plus persistence equals prosperity. Calvin Coolidge said it clearly: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

Hill suggests this formula : p3=P. It is this: purpose +
passion + persistence = Prosperity.

Hill stresses the importance of having a mastermind group
of like-minded people.
The importance of brainstorming with like-minded individuals cannot be
overstated. Work groups, executive teams, board members are all the
direct recognition that the collective power of several minds working and
planning together can accomplish much more than one mind alone.

Two or more minds, working in harmony, produce a synergistic energy
that weaves a concrete reality out of purpose, vision and determination.

Super successful people talk about their own ideals and visions,
communicate about them with other super successful people, and in so
doing, affirm that their success derives from their personal power to
think, desire, believe and act with intent and purpose.

If you had the opportunity to have a group of super successful people as
your personal advisors, coaching you to become all that you were capable
of becoming, and mentoring you to achieve the fulfillment of your
potential, would you take it?

If the answer is yes, then obtain the
information from other proven success coaches like Napoleon Hill,
Randy Gage and Harv Eker .
Study the specific knowledge of success and apply it to your life and you
will succeed.

We have, culturally, so many moralistic assumptions and beliefs about
sexual energy that we prevent ourselves from fully understanding what it
is and what it is capable of. The whole subject is so complex that several
books could be (and have been) written about the subject without fully
explaining it.

First, it should be understood that Hill was immersed in the culture of his
times. Second, it should not be missed that women have a greater innate
capacity to consciously use sexual energy and attractiveness to get what
they want in life and that many men need to be educated about their own
Sexual energy is also closely related to charisma and charisma attracts
not only people, but wealth and power.

The drive for success is ‘coincidently’ often also strongest in those who
also have a high sexual drive. The truly empowered person is one who
has learned, as Hill says, to transmute much of that sexual energy into
creative energy and not squander it in vain physical pursuits.

The subconscious can, however, be consciously programmed and
controlled by the conscious mind.
The subconscious mind is the source of insight, intuition,
imagination and creativity.
The subconscious mind is also your direct link to the collective
subconsciousness of humanity, which also has a greater influence
on your beliefs, thoughts and actions than does your conscious

The subconscious mind is also your direct link to universal
consciousness, which is the source of all power and creativity.

We have discussed this thoroughly in one of our previous interviews which I recommend for you to review at

The attributes of the brain are quite simple. It is a mass of biological
material that permits electrochemical activity. The attributes of the mind
are quite a bit more complex.

Contrary to popular misconception, it is not increased brain activity
that produces great ideas or the resulting wealth; it is in reducing and
consciously controlling the specific activities of mind i.e. thought, that
produces inspiration, insight and wealth.

It is now understood that the average human has about 60,000 thoughts
per day; 99% of these are non-productive, non-contributory random
subconscious noise. The few who learn how to examine and exert control
over the thoughts that they allow to pass through mind are the ones who
attain, achieve and accomplish so much more than their fellows.

What Hill calls the sixth sense is your direct and intimate connection to
the infinite, ineffable universal mind, source of all that is and all that can
be. You are the channel whereby the infinite makes manifest the finite.
You are wealthy beyond measure. All you need to do is to claim your
Think clearly, purposefully, creatively. Attach to those idealized thoughts
a passionate desire to have them made manifest. Have faith that it shall
be so. Attach to your belief the firm intent that your beingness and
actions will cause the ideals to be made real. And so it shall be.


Here is Napoleon Hill’s secret of success explained…
Clear consistent THOUGHT entwined with fervent desire,
combined with profound belief entwined with purposeful intent,
creates the results you consciously choose to have in your life.
Create an ideal, form a plan, affirm its reality and persist until it is
made manifest. Know that you are given the power to create what
you desire. Then, just do it.

“Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can
— Napoleon Hill

About the Author:
Dr. Ariston P Awitan is a physician, retired board-certified orthopedic surgeon, now a full-time Professional Entrepreneur, actively promoting Elite Marketing Alliance and YourKey2Wealth

My phone No. Is 713-392-5493
Shype: doctony1932

