You Have to Be Healthy First Before You Can Accomplish Better Things in Life


By Ariston P Awitan, M.D.

All of us have dreams. And if we are ambitious enough, we put a deadline to our dreams and they become our goals. Then we act on our goals and they become blueprints of our future . Then we work hard and pray hard and they become a reality.

The process takes time, so you need to live long enough to realize your dreams. That’s the reason why you need to be healthy so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

As a physician for more than 50 years, I have seen millionaires, famous politicians, famous celebrities, well-accomplished businessmen in the intensive care units in hospitals dying of strokes, multiple organ failures, massive heart attacks and even cancer at their prime-age of life, mainly because they have neglected their health.

What is the use of your millions to yourself if you are dead? For those of you who still have a chance to take care of your health, do you eat the right kinds of food? Do you strive to keep your weight down to your normal level? Do you keep up and take the daily supplements of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your body needs for your organ systems to function at the optimum? Do you have an adequate regular physical exercises commensurate for your age? Do you have enough sleep at night? Do you avoid too much stress? How is your spiritual and emotional health ? Do you have a regular check-up with your physician , instead of just seeing him when you are already sick?

If you do not have positive answers to most of the above questions, you can still change your ways. I am sure it is not too late for most of you. Sometimes, we need somebody to remind us about some important things we have to do before a big crisis of our health hits us.

Remember, your health is your number one priority in your life. It is your responsibility, not anybody else.

About the author: Who Am I, Briefly:


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