Self-Talk You Can Use Daily to become Healthy



From the Book entitled:
Available at Your

The Greatest Collection of Financial Words of Abundance

Condensed By

Ariston P Awitan, M.D.

What are mantras?
According to Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand, mantras are simple chants or phrases, such as “om,” “ham,” “yam” or “ram,” that are designed to create soundwave energy that promotes healing, creativity and spiritual growth.

The word “mantra” comes from two Sanskrit words: “Manas,” which means mind, and “trai,” which means to “free from.” Therefore, mantra, in the literal sense, means “to free from the mind.” Mantras are powerful vibration tools that can free your mind. But how?

The repetitive sounds of mantras bring about a change in consciousness. The power of mantras comes from the use of vibration to stimulate certain parts of the brain and change the brain’s chemical balance. The altered chemical makeup enables a more relaxed and extended state of consciousness to take over our minds.

Do you wish to achieve optimal wellness and health? Are you
having a
problem getting over an illness or coping with aches and pains that
simply never seem to go away?

The following greatest collection of words for endless energy and motivational

will supply a huge boost to
anybody utilizing the
law of attraction principles to draw in wellness and vitality.

If you mix

these positive words with taking care of yourself and eating correctly,
you’ll transform yourself into an example of healthy thinking and

They’ll help you defeat
deeply held damaging beliefs and
thought patterns and metamorphose you into somebody who has the
positive, certain, and strong frame of mind required to manifest a
high degree of wellness and health.

It’s been said that without health, you have nothing.

We urge you to
do everything in your power to be as fit as you can, and there’s no
better place to begin than shifting the way you think of wellness.

Get going with these positive words , these Mantras for Health and Fitness now, take the 1st step on the road
to a great life.-

The following are the Mantras for Health and Fitness:

These will sound familiar to you if you
have listened to our previous discussion about the Conscious Mind giving instructions to our Subconscious Mind.

They have been proven more effective when you do them twice a day, when you wake up in the morning and before you sleep at night.

So here they are: The Mantras for Health and Fitness:

I am naturally healthy

I am attracting health into my life

I have a strong body

My mind is healthy

I will become healthy in mind and body

I will always take my health seriously

I am finding new ways to take care of myself and live a balanced

Each day it is easier to do what I know is best for my body

My mind is completely focused on achieving optimal health

I manifest abundant wellbeing with the power of positive

I am grateful for my perfect health

I believe in my ability to attract health in to my life

I always just naturally do what is best for my body

I am highly focused on living a healthy lifestyle

I always seem to recover from illness very quickly

I always take my health seriously

I always recover from illness quickly

I eat healthy and exercise regularly

I am attracting health into my life with the law of attraction

I am becoming healthier

I enjoy exercising

I can easily sense when my body needs rest and relaxation

Thinking positively about my health comes easily to me

I am starting to eat a healthier diet

Health, vitality, and happiness are steadily increasing with me
every day

I will always remember that thinking positively is the
foundation for a healthy life

I am beginning to listen to my body and take the action
necessary to heal it

I easily choose healhy
snacks over junk food

I eat lots of fruits and vegetables

I always eat a balanced meal

I am naturally healthy and strong

Others see me as someone who is just always happy, healthy,
and vibrant

I find it easy to eat right and take care of myself

Others are beginning to notice that I always eat healthy

I am getting healthier thanks to my healthy eating habits

I will continue to improve the quality of my diet

I only eat healthy food

I eat at regular intervals throughout the day

I am a disciplined eater

I always make sure to eat breakfast

I eat healthy to energize my mind and my body

I am dedicated to eating healthy foods every day

I enjoy fruits and vegetables

I fuel my body with only the best foods

Others see me as someone who is health conscious and
control of my diet

I make sure to eat meals at the same time every day

I enjoy eating healthy food

I always start my day off by eating something healthy

Nutrition is very important to my quality of life

I find it easy to eat a healthy diet

I am a
natural healthy eater

I love vegetables

I am beautiful

I love my body

I am starting to enjoy the taste of fruits and vegetables

I will always choose nutritious food over junk

I have a healthy body image

I accept myself completely

I am thankful for my body

I am building a positive body image

My body is perfect just the way it is

I will always love my body no matter what

I am beginning to accept myself more and more

I am confident in the way I look

My self acceptance is beginning to change the way other people
see me

I am overcoming negativity and building a positive attitude
towards myself

I am finding it easier to feel confident in the way I look

Having a healthy body image improves the quality of my life

I deserve to be confident and happy

Self acceptance comes naturally to me

I am becoming more and more motivated to exercise

I am
into someone who is always motivated to

I will exercise even when I don’t feel like it

I will exercise every day and achieve the body of my dreams

I am naturally driven to get in shape and be the healthiest I can

I exercise every day and I
love it

I stay motivated
my entire workout routine

I am in great shape because I never miss a workout

I always look forward to exercising

I am totally focused on getting myself in shape

I am the kind of person who just loves pushing myself during
my workout

It feels great when I exercise regularly and take care of

I always stick to my exercise plan

I always finish all my exercises

I love exercising

I am totally focused on sticking to my workout routine and
getting in shape

My motivation to exercise is helping me to achieve optimum

As I mentioned before I am only a Messenger of these valuable information which I believed are important tools for our journey through life so that we will be
well -prepared to help other people to achieve their full potential.

Zig Ziglar said, “You will get all you want in life if you help enough people get what they want”

And I said” We are best remembered not by our riches, but by the people we have helped and the relationships we have nurtured, long before we are gone”.

About the Messenger:

Dr. Ariston P Awitan, M.D. is a retired Orthopedic Surgeon, now a Professional Entrepreneur, with a mission to help people achieve their full potential.

His Websites are:

Phone No. is 713-392-5493
Skype: doctony1932

Check his previous Radio Shows at

The Secrets to a Millionaire Mind Review


This message is from one of the many e-books that you will find as a product of Your Key2Wealth.

Reviewed By
Ariston P Awitan M.D.

The greatest misconception about being wealthy is that you have to flaunt your wealth to show individuals that you’re wealthy.

Most millionaires look like regular individuals who don’t flaunt their wealth.
They own regular houses and automobiles.
They might have a few luxuries but most average millionaires can’t be spotted on a daily basis as they prefer it to be that way and don’t show off their wealth.

An asset is something that puts cash in your pocket without you having to execute much work for it.

A financial obligation is something that takes cash out of your pockets and doesn’t put cash in your pocket.

If you wish to be wealthy, you demand to acquire as many assets as possible and do away with as many financial obligations as possible.

The wealthy are concerned with educating their youngsters on the importance of having a good financial education as opposed to a common, more traditional education youngsters are taught in school.

On the question: Do You Play to Win or Lose?
In order to understand how to get to be a winner, you likewise have to learn how to lose. Valuable lessons may be acquired by losing.

It is significant to remember that losing isn’t an indictment of your inability; instead, it ought to be viewed as a learning tool utilized to better your skills.

The act of losing may be made positive by managing future emotions and analyzing pitiful performance.

Many psychologists believe it’s hard, if not nearly inconceivable, to win without first founding a distinct set of goals.

Your goals, all the same, have to be accomplishable and not beyond fair expectations. Formulating goals, your blueprint for success, is the first step to winning.

In order to get to be a winner, you have to prepare, produce goals, and acquire a vision and act. Plainly put, believing that it is simply as easy to win as to lose and abiding by a design for success will go a long way to accomplishing your winning goal, whether it be in sports, family or career or money.

Do You Act Or Do You Dream ?
The first reason most individuals don’t get what they wish is that they don’t know what they wish.

Wealthy individuals are totally clear that they want wealth. They’re unwavering in their desire. They are totally dedicated to creating wealth. As long as it’s legal, ethical, and moral, they’ll do whatever it takes to have wealth. Rich individuals don’t send mixed messages to the universe. Poor individuals do.

Figure out a plan. Decide on a goal and then work out what you have to do to get there. It might call for taking classes, slimming down, moving to a different city or something as challenging as producing a movie.

Arrange small goals, like stepping stones, to your ultimate accomplishment. Reward yourself each time you accomplish one of these mini-goals.

Write it down. Sustain a success journal or diary. Arrive at lists of what you need to achieve each day to accomplish your goal.

Draw pictures or cut out magazine clippings to prompt you and remind you of your wanted results.

Envision the desired result. Think about being a successful, confident business owner or wealthy or whatsoever you wish to be. Keep your goal perpetually on the “front burner” till you achieve it.

Learn from other people. Talk to others who have accomplished the same goal you’re going after. If you wish to be wealthy, contact other wealthy people or frequent message boards associated to that. By finding out how others achieved the same goal, you’ll learn what to do and what to keep away from.

Read inspirational books and sayings. From “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” by Deepak Chopra to old favorites like “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, select from a plethora of books to keep you motivated and give you new thoughts.

Are You Thinking Big ?
Think about what you’d accomplish if you could accomplish anything and didn’t have to worry about cash. Write out your purpose in life in one sentence.

Try out career counseling or self-help books if you are not certain what you wish to accomplish.

Lack of ambition might stem from not having discovered goals that are correct for you.

Break down your goals into littler, more manageable chunks if you are experiencing
overwhelming feelings. Take one step at a time, and give yourself payoffs for your progress.

Take A Good Look At Yourself.
Live for yourself. Once you perpetually attempt to be the person other people wish you to be, you cheat yourself out of individuality and your own aspirations.

Take a long hard look at what you wish out of life and design your daily routine to include at least one or two elements that cause you to get your goals closer.

Comprehend that even if you can’t control outside conditions, you are able to controller your response to them. If you are currently working in a dead-end job with a boss who’s degrading, make a conscious effort to tell yourself that his poor behavior may make you upset only if you let it.

Leave your work at the office, mentally that is. Once you step outside after a stressful day’s work, tell yourself that you have all day tomorrow to deal with the troubles and mentally switch gears by thinking something favorable or planning your future vacation, even if it’s months away.

If time is a commodity, work out how you are able to schedule your chores more efficiently. Simply by getting up 15 minutes earlier every day, you will have the time to say hello to your neighbor, pet a pup or simply gaze out the window at the rain.

Learn something new day-after-day. You are able to encourage a positive mental attitude by always providing something fresh in your life.

Help other people. Poking out a helping hand to those in need makes you feel needed and worthwhile. Make it a habit to volunteer for charitable organizations.

Hold favorable feelings or vibrations about cash. By sustaining positive vibrations, you may
attract and manifest wealth and cash. “The Law of Attraction” states that like draws in like.

Write positive affirmations about wealth and cash. For instance, you may write, “I’m receiving more and more cash each day from the sale of my fresh books and audiotapes.”

You may likewise speak favorable affirmations. Composed or spoken, positive affirmations help train your subconscious to produce and find ideas, insights and action steps you may take to get cash.

As you continue to write and/or speak favorable affirmations, your subconscious will go on to work to attract the wealth you wish

You Have to Promote. Some people are not so thrilled with any promotion regardless of how it may benefit them. If
this sounds in any way like you, it’s a crucial feature to notice about yourself.

Resenting promotion is among the greatest obstacles to success. Individuals who have issues with
selling and promotion are commonly broke.

How can you produce a large income in your own business or as a representative of one if you aren’t willing to let individuals know that you, your product, or your service exists? Even as an employee, if you aren’t willing to promote your virtues, somebody who’s willing will quickly bypass you on the corporate ladder.

It’s most crucial that the product or service
is unique. You may turn a hobby into a cash making business on the net and a welldesigned
Once you’ve decided on the product you need to have a way for the purchaser to pay for it.

Having a Millionaire mindset will have to deal with your own thought formulas, thinking, cash habits
and who your friends are.

You are who you hang around with – If your acquaintances are all on social welfare then your
power to have a millionaire mentality will be limited to a social welfare mentality.

Sadly, we’ll need to cut ourselves off from people who are negative thinkers. We’ll have to find and make fresh friends who have already succeeded and have the millionaire mindset.

Produce a budget and attend positive motivational seminars. This is likewise a good way to
find like-minded people. Also, regardless how boring it may get continue to listen to success
audio tapes and CD’s or on your MP3 player.

Our mp3 links at buildingfortunes are free. You just have to access them at your leisure at www.buildingfortunes

The only way to accomplish that millionaire mentality is to tell yourself daily, morning noon and night that you’re successful; you’ve accomplished success and will accomplish success. The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference. Soon your thoughts will afford fresh possibilities. Be creative.

Final Words
You have a wealth of support in whatever enterprises you are hoping to accomplish in life. Good mentors can give you the support you need when you feel lost or lonely. It’s this support system that keeps you on track; much like a lighthouse keeps transports
from crashing into the shore.

Produce synergy with all your systems of wealth to acquire more wealth. I’ll give you an illustration. A person exercises to keep his physical health rich, which in turn makes his mental wealth rich. The
gain in mental and physical wealth causes him to acquire more in life, and when I mean
more, that could be cash, relationships, or power.

About the Reviewer:
Dr. Ariston P Awitan is a retired Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, now a Professional Entrepreneur who actively promotes these two Online Businesses for Financial Prosperity and Time Freedom:

Contact Info:
Phone: 713-392-5493
Skype: doctony1932

Retirement and Legacy Planning with YourKey2Wealth System


By Ariston P Awitan, M.D.

I want to show you the magnitude of Your
Key2Wealth System for securing your financial future and for your personal Legacy Planning.

One of my mentors, Jim Rohn said that you have to plan your life, otherwise you will fall on somebody else’s plan.

I suggest that if you include in your life’s plan the progression to a million dollars of YourKey2Wealth program, you will be able to generate a healthy income to secure your financial future and and for your personal legacy planning.

In our previous session, April 4, 2015, I mentioned that YourKey2Wealth System
I is not a network marketing program is not a Cash Gifting Program.
It is not a Pyramid.
It is not a Ponzi scheme.
It is not a money game.

What it is:
It is a private membership club, by invitation only, like a country club, but instead of members coming to play golf or tennis, our members join for Wealth Education and Wealth Creation.
We partner, we leverage and we learn about wealth creation and wealth management.

Our membership fee is an annual fee of only $97. For this annual fee, our members can access financial education and information including wealth building, asset protection,tax strategy,legacy planning and much more.

You have an option of participating with our Leveraging System.

You do not have to participate in our leveraging system to enjoy all the other benefits of being a member. However, if you want to create more income, this is the most exciting program for wealth creation I have ever seen.

HERE IS YOURKEY2WEALTH PROGRESSION TO THE 6 LEVELS: You can call it “The March to a Million Dollars”.

Silver – $1,000 $4,500
Gold – $3,500 $15,750
Platinum – $ 9,000 $ 40,500
Ruby – $ 27,000 $ 121,500
Emerald- $ 80,000 $ 360,000
Diamond – $ 250,000- $ 1Million

To get the bonus, for each level, you have to be qualified. How? By sponsoring ONLY Two (2) Members whose payment has been verified .


To qualify to receive bonuses in the Silver Leveraging System, you are only required to refer two new members in either the Silver or the Gold Leveraging System or a combination of both

So when we refer two new members they will join YourKey2wealth and when they join the optional leveraging system and send their funds to admin, and as soon as their funds are verified, you become qualified.

Once you completed the Silver Leveraging System, your bonus will be $4,500 and this will be reflected in your back office e-wallet.

Now you have options
a) you can request a payout, or
b) you can take $1,000 and re-enter the the Silver Leveraging System and get paid $4,500 again once they completed the system, or
c) you can also upgrade to a Gold Leveraging System by paying $3,500.
Now, because you are already qualified you immediately go to the Qualified Member Line of the Gold Leveraging System and when you complete the Gold System, your bonus will be
Then you can get $3,500 out of the $15,750 and re-enter the Gold Leveraging System immediately and look forward to accessing the the more advanced leveraging system, the
Leveraging Systems.

So, once you are qualified on each level, you can advance to the next level by using your bonus and buy also the lower levels to increase the number of positions working for you in the system.

Imagine as we march to a million in this system, you can re-enter the system as you are upgrading. and if you do not need the money, you can create 6 positions in our system.

As you are progressing, you end-up to our Diamond $250,000 level, and you started just for a $1,000.

Imagine that you have created 6 positions, you are marching to $6Million.

Now. We are not saying it happens in 12 months or 24 months. There is no timeline. But the reality of this is, you can march overtime for three to five years. Let’s be conservative about it. You are marching with each of those accounts to $1Million. Multiply that by 6, you are marching to $6Million.

And when you completed your first $250,000 System, The Diamond, and you received your $1Million bonus, imagine taking six of those systems, and going back into all six, now you are marching into 12 system accounts, what are you marching into now? $12Million ? Now that’s what we call Retirement Income and Legacy Planning.

And based on what we are putting together, the financial education and wealth education you will all receive from this membership, it is going to be second to none. You will learn and know exactly how to protect the wealth you have created here over the next 5 to 10 years. This is a long-term situation for all of us.

Where in the world can you go and get started for a thousand dollars and have the potential literally in the next 2 to 5 years
to create a million dollars by just referring 2 people ?

I cannot imagine how anybody would not participate with what we are doing here, especially with all the education and simple system we have in place here. This is something that has never been done before on the face of the earth. This is brand-new, it is a private membership and you have the help of the entire membership worldwide to help you progress through the system.

In Summary, I would like to say that no corporate job in the world however lucrative is the salary, even if one works up to eighty or ninety years , can match the amount of wealth one can generate like what is possible with YourKey2Wealth.

This is not a network marketing program that you know. We do not hustle for a lot of leads or prospects.

You only need to sponsor two people that you know and trust, who share it with similar two people down the line to march to a million dollars.

The integrity of the leaders is impeccable with a mission to help people to prosper financially.

This is not a get rich quick scheme.
It is not a Gifting Program.
It is not a Pyramid.
It is not a Ponzi scheme.
It is not a money game.

But it is a Private Membership Club, by invitation only, like a county club, but instead of members coming to play golf or tennis, our members join for Wealth Education and Creation.

In YourKey2Wealth, you expand your horizon. You are not isolated.
You associate with like-minded people who help each other to prosper financially and become literate with our excellent tools in wealth education and wealth creation.

Let’s face it, a lot of people not only in the in the United States but the whole world, do not have financial freedom and are not financially literate, mostly because of ignorance or their choice of having closed minds to evaluate the potential of opportunities and blind satisfaction of their present miserable situations in life.
It requires a change of attitude to get out from their deplorable condition. But if they do change, and join YourKey2Wealth and use the tools we have in wealth education and wealth creation, they can definitely rehabilitate their life situation, build their retirement and personal financial legacy.

YourKey2Wealth is one of my missions to help and share it to my family, my friends and my colleagues so that they will become financially literate, create their retirement programs and improve their lives !

My Phone # is 713-392-5493
My website is:

And Let me close this presentation with this quote by one of my mentors, Jim Rohn:

“Goal-setting is powerful, partly because it provides focus. It shapes our dreams.
It gives us the ability to hone in on the exact actions we need to perform to achieve everything we desire in life. “

About the Author:
Dr. Ariston P Awitan is a physician, a retired Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon who now lives in Florida, a Professional Entrepreneur who promotes actively two businesses below:
His Radio Show every Saturday 2:00 P.M. EST is at:
His Blog:
His Phone: 713-392-5493
His email:

How To Develop a Mind-set For Success


Compiled and Abstracted By
Dr. Ariston P Awitan

Go Back to Basics: Apply the Available Proven Knowledge

I am talking here about how you can apply what is already well-known to
develop a mind-set for success in life.

What comes to my mind is the work of Napoleon Hill, who is well-known to practically anyone who read books.

This information is also available in one of the Our Products in Millionaire Marketing Machine/Elite Marketing Alliance .

Let’s go to the 13 Secrets of Napoleon Hill, taken from his book “Think and Grow Rich” and apply this to our lives
to develop a mind-set for success.

The definition of a mind-set is the ideas and attitudes with
which a person approaches a

The Word Origin and History for mind-set:
“habits of mind formed by
previous experience,” 1920, in
educators’ jargon.

Mind-set in Medicine: A fixed mental attitude or
disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.

Lets go to each secret one at a time .

Success always begins
with desire.
Desire is the fuel that ignites the fire that transmutes thoughts into things.
It should be a burning passion of fervent desire.
Develop a burning passion for success. Without it, you
are highly unlikely to achieve it.
Your desire must be specific. It must be attached to a
clear and specific ideal, a clear and consistent thought picture of what
success means to you.

So for instance that you have a passion to help a particular group of people, you should have a strong fervent passion and desire to do it with a specific reason why you are doing it and how you would feel seeing the picture in your mind of how you see it when you have already accomplished your goal.

Not only must you have a burning desire for a specific thought of success, but you must also have the faith or belief that success is not only
available to you as an abstract, but it is your birthright and all you need
to do is claim it as your own and it shall be yours.

Hill also goes on to say that autosuggestion or repeated affirmations can
enable faith and belief.

Brainwash yourself…cleanse your mind of any limiting core beliefs you may hold so that new empowering beliefs can be installed.

“Faith is,” indeed, to quote Christianity’s greatest salesman, Paul, “the evidence of things not (yet) seen.” Doubt can turn a molehill into a mountain. Faith can move mountains.

There are two separate energetic vibrational outputs of human
consciousness that lead to creation, or conscious manifestation, when
they are braided together.
The first is concrete, specific, repetitive, idealized thought combined with desire.
The second is firm, profound belief in the actuality of an ideal combined with intentionality of behavior. Have faith. It shall come to pass.

So in the case of your mission to help a particular group of people, if you have faith and repeatedly think about it with strong desire and a profound belief that you can do it, you can achieve it. This clearly-defined goals should be written with a definite time limit, and you have to look at it often.

Aside from having clearly defined written goals that are
repeated, preferably out
loud to oneself throughout the day. Now Hill goes
further and states that it is very important to affirm
one’s goals and ideals at some quiet time, such as just before falling asleep. The quiet time is ideal for auto- suggestion or affirmation.

When you intentionally think about, repeat and affirm your ideals, you
are planting the seeds that will grow to bear fruit.

When your mind is still and focused, you are, in effect, preparing
fresh and
fertile, weed- free, ground in which to plant your thought seeds.
In addition to preparing the ideal mental ground to plant your thought
seeds, meditation also stills your mind so that intuition can be accessed,
insight can be attained and your connectivity to the infinite and absolute can be ascertained.

We have discussed this Auto-Suggestion thoroughly in our previous session on the “Subconscious Mind”.

Knowledge, by and of itself, has little, if any, value.
You may find that shocking or, at least contrary to everything you’ve
been taught, but it is true.
Knowledge only becomes valuable in
application. You may have heard that knowledge is power. Wrong. It is
applied knowledge that begets power, wealth and the advancement of
humanity. The secret is in the application, not in the knowledge itself.
Hill does point out
that although
universities possess perhaps all of the aggregate knowledge of
humankind, professors, for the most part, although surrounded by all this
knowledge and though very knowledgeable, have themselves little or no
money; while many people
of little formal education go on to produce
great wealth and great material advancements for all humanity.

He also alludes to that the very best form
of specialized knowledge, that a person who desires success and wealth
can obtain, is the knowledge of how to become successful.

He strongtly suggests to teach our children that it is the application of the specific education
that will bring success and happiness.

Hill makes great use of the story of Henry Ford proving, in the courtroom,
that although he was uneducated
he was not ignorant, because, as he
said it, “any time I should wish to know something specific, I can simply
push a button on my desk and some person who knows the answer will
come to provide it to me.”
These days, with the accumulation of information and training being as
easy as the ‘click of a mouse’, there is no excuse for not being successful
in any field, except that you are ignorant of the principles of success, or
for some personal perversity, refuse to apply them to your life.

The two main
types of imagination, are ‘synthetic imagination’ and ‘creative
Synthetic imagination is the manipulation of effects. Creative imagination
is causal that creates effects.
Synthetic imagination merely, at best, can improve upon what already exists. The
bringing of new things into existence requires the use of creative

The creation of wealth can be obtained, with diligence, through the
informed and
practical use of synthetic imagination (e.g. creating a better
mouse trap), but most wealth and most advancement in human
technology comes about through the use of creative imagination, like all things, from the invention of writing to the invention of the Internet
came about because of the use of creative imagination.
Know this: that which you imagine, expect and visualize in your internal
world is that which gets produced in your external world.

We need to have concrete written goals that are in harmony
with our chosen purpose and/or ideals.

Goals are not vague aspirations like, ‘I want to be rich.’ They
concrete, defined steps in the fulfillment of your personal vision or
purpose. They are a specific plan.

95% of people who have (and daily refer to) written goals end up
accomplishing them.
95% of people who do not have written goals, do not accomplish
much of anything.
Businesses that succeed have a business plan. The business of life also
requires a plan. Goals should have a deadline or dates to accomplish them.

The ability to make clear, firm resolute decisions is as precious a gift as
life itself. It is what enables
human beings to take control of their lives, to
rise above chance and circumstance and to chart a destiny.

Those who fail to make conscious choices may as well not have any free will, for they
squander the gift of decisiveness.

The successful and
happy human being is the one in whom choice is
intentional and purposeful. Decision produces results. It can, also be said
that the failure to decide is, in itself, a decision, a decision to let your life
be governed by event and circumstance.
can be called choice by design. Lack of decisiveness is choice by
default. It is also a choice. It is the decision to choose unhappiness,
mediocrity and commonality.
Those who make decisions are the masters of their fate. Those who don’t
are the servants of fate.
There is enormous power unleashed by a simple decision.
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Decisions should be firm; as in the following example:
“I resolve this date of (day, month, year) ________________
to do such and such and to stay the course until it is done.”
Which brings us to Hill’s eighth secret of success… persistence.

Hill says this, “Persistence is an essential factor in transmuting desire into
its monetary equivalent.” He goes on to explain that desire (passion) plus
the power of will (persistence) make an irresistible pair and almost
always end up producing wealth.

A long attention span, combined with determination, is an attribute shared by all successful people.

Thomas Edison commented that 90% of people quit 90% of the way to
accomplishing their goals. These days it is 99% who quit a mere 20% of
the way. Those who persist, win.

Let me venture to say that periodic evaluation of the result of your activity is important as you persist in your journey, because if the way you think and what you believe is
not producing the results you desire, persisting in hanging on what
does not work is not going to help you achieve your goal.

Purpose plus passion plus persistence equals prosperity. Calvin Coolidge said it clearly: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

Hill suggests this formula : p3=P. It is this: purpose +
passion + persistence = Prosperity.

Hill stresses the importance of having a mastermind group
of like-minded people.
The importance of brainstorming with like-minded individuals cannot be
overstated. Work groups, executive teams, board members are all the
direct recognition that the collective power of several minds working and
planning together can accomplish much more than one mind alone.

Two or more minds, working in harmony, produce a synergistic energy
that weaves a concrete reality out of purpose, vision and determination.

Super successful people talk about their own ideals and visions,
communicate about them with other super successful people, and in so
doing, affirm that their success derives from their personal power to
think, desire, believe and act with intent and purpose.

If you had the opportunity to have a group of super successful people as
your personal advisors, coaching you to become all that you were capable
of becoming, and mentoring you to achieve the fulfillment of your
potential, would you take it?

If the answer is yes, then obtain the
information from other proven success coaches like Napoleon Hill,
Randy Gage and Harv Eker .
Study the specific knowledge of success and apply it to your life and you
will succeed.

We have, culturally, so many moralistic assumptions and beliefs about
sexual energy that we prevent ourselves from fully understanding what it
is and what it is capable of. The whole subject is so complex that several
books could be (and have been) written about the subject without fully
explaining it.

First, it should be understood that Hill was immersed in the culture of his
times. Second, it should not be missed that women have a greater innate
capacity to consciously use sexual energy and attractiveness to get what
they want in life and that many men need to be educated about their own
Sexual energy is also closely related to charisma and charisma attracts
not only people, but wealth and power.

The drive for success is ‘coincidently’ often also strongest in those who
also have a high sexual drive. The truly empowered person is one who
has learned, as Hill says, to transmute much of that sexual energy into
creative energy and not squander it in vain physical pursuits.

The subconscious can, however, be consciously programmed and
controlled by the conscious mind.
The subconscious mind is the source of insight, intuition,
imagination and creativity.
The subconscious mind is also your direct link to the collective
subconsciousness of humanity, which also has a greater influence
on your beliefs, thoughts and actions than does your conscious

The subconscious mind is also your direct link to universal
consciousness, which is the source of all power and creativity.

We have discussed this thoroughly in one of our previous interviews which I recommend for you to review at

The attributes of the brain are quite simple. It is a mass of biological
material that permits electrochemical activity. The attributes of the mind
are quite a bit more complex.

Contrary to popular misconception, it is not increased brain activity
that produces great ideas or the resulting wealth; it is in reducing and
consciously controlling the specific activities of mind i.e. thought, that
produces inspiration, insight and wealth.

It is now understood that the average human has about 60,000 thoughts
per day; 99% of these are non-productive, non-contributory random
subconscious noise. The few who learn how to examine and exert control
over the thoughts that they allow to pass through mind are the ones who
attain, achieve and accomplish so much more than their fellows.

What Hill calls the sixth sense is your direct and intimate connection to
the infinite, ineffable universal mind, source of all that is and all that can
be. You are the channel whereby the infinite makes manifest the finite.
You are wealthy beyond measure. All you need to do is to claim your
Think clearly, purposefully, creatively. Attach to those idealized thoughts
a passionate desire to have them made manifest. Have faith that it shall
be so. Attach to your belief the firm intent that your beingness and
actions will cause the ideals to be made real. And so it shall be.


Here is Napoleon Hill’s secret of success explained…
Clear consistent THOUGHT entwined with fervent desire,
combined with profound belief entwined with purposeful intent,
creates the results you consciously choose to have in your life.
Create an ideal, form a plan, affirm its reality and persist until it is
made manifest. Know that you are given the power to create what
you desire. Then, just do it.

“Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can
— Napoleon Hill

About the Author:
Dr. Ariston P Awitan is a physician, retired board-certified orthopedic surgeon, now a full-time Professional Entrepreneur, actively promoting Elite Marketing Alliance and YourKey2Wealth

My phone No. Is 713-392-5493
Shype: doctony1932

