Why should you join ME in Online Business over thousands of other people?RADIO SHOW SATURDAY AUGUST 12 2017 AT 2PM EST



By Ariston P Awitan, M.D.

Tel. # 1-347-237-4907 Good afternoon my friends !

Why should you join ME in Online Business over thousands of other people?

I will tell you why , but first, I am going to give you an Update of My Life’s Journey.

I am Dr.Ariston P Awitan, Jr.

The month of August is very special to me because It’s the month of my birthday.

August 9, 2017 was my 85th birthday!

I am so grateful that the Good Lord granted me 85 years of an exciting life. I have accomplished everything I personally wanted for me and for my family. I reached the peak of my professional development as a doctor and orthopedic specialist and had a successful Orthopedic Surgery private practice for 33 years in the United States.

I got my 4 children educated in the best Texas Universities that allowed them to land good jobs that give them good living and the ability to raise their families.

I am blessed with 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. I have lived what I considered a balanced Life, the way I always wanted. I have nourished relationships with people I want to associate with during my life’s journey.

I have developed and maintained my spiritual connection, good health, continuing physical fitness and emotional stability. I have traveled most of the countries in the world I wanted to visit. In summary, I have done what I have decided as appropriate in my 85 years on this Planet. Now during this last lap of my lifetime, I want to give back, make a difference in peoples’ lives, and leave a legacy. One thing that encouraged me to help people with what I learned in network marketing is this statistics:

The average North American family would not have to go bankrupt if they had just have $300/ month of extra income. Half of the divorces in North America could be prevented with just $500/ month of extra income. So what we encourage is to earn at least $500/month in online business. Teach our members how to do this. Do the business consistently, with focus and determination and goals, and in 1 to 5 years, you will be able to replace your current linear income with residual income and really start living the life of your dreams.

We are here to teach you to master the concepts of our business model so that you can fast track yourself to the fast lane and become a top Income earner in your organization. I soon realized the hard way that network marketing is not a features and pitching business but a relationship and leadership business. In this business, we need to engage with people. And it takes between 5 to 12 conversations before a new prospect joins you. It has been found that during the first exposure, only 2% join your business; only 3% on the second; only 5% on the 3rd; only 10% on the 4th; and 80% on the 5th to the 12th exposure.


Now, to answer this question: Why should you join ME in Online Business over thousands of other people? There are five (5) reasons:

1. Among all, I have the experience . For over 25 years, in my quest to achieve Time Freedom, I experienced the “good, the bad and the ugly” in the Network Marketing Industry, however, I gained some wisdom, wisdom to know what online businesses to focus on worth my precious time and hard-earned dollars. Now I am ready to share with my friends who still need to build their dreams to become financially free.

2. I have the knowledge and the tools for personal development and leadership.

3. I have the help of 3 dedicated mentors complete with their data, real accomplishments of their successful strategies.

4. I am using the business models that will make you 7-Figure Income Earners if you got what it takes.

5. And I am passionate in my mission for you become financially free, give back, make a difference in the lives of people and leave a legacy. Why do I want to give back? I want to repay my father.

My father supported me to become a doctor because he wanted me to serve the people of my town and to take care of my family’s medical needs. But when I became a doctor I had another plan to become an orthopedic surgeon, immigrate to the U.S. for better opportunities and better education of my children. So my parents and my 5 sisters and their husbands all passed away without my help as a doctor, because I was busy treating sick patients in the United States. So it’s time to pay back my father. I want to help equip and renovate the charity hospital in the Philippines that serve our poor population who cannot afford private medical care; to help fund the Professorial Chairs of the Basic Science Sciences of my Alma Matter, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines to educate more doctors, and to help fund the Seminaries for education of priests and missionaries to the people of the world that don’t know Christ.

And I have the passion to help you, struggling network marketers if you want my help to secure your financial future. I know who you are that need my help. You are either in your state of transition or at your breaking point. You are in the state of Transition if you lost your job, when you are downsized, when you are taken out from the corporation because you are not needed anymore, when you just transferred to a new city, when you are undergoing a divorce, when your career is at the dead-end or at a cross-roads, when your company changed the marketing plan and you found out that your salary is cut in half. If you are in those situations above, you are in the state of transition.

Or are you in the state of breaking point? Do you you have 3 jobs , you don’t have time and you are still in debt, you are bankrupt, your home is foreclosed, your car is re-possessed, your kid is sick and you are driving to work, got caught in a heavy traffic, and was late at work for 3 minutes, and your supervisor was screaming at you because you were late and you say ” Enough is Enough I am not going to put up with this anymore !” That’s a breaking point !

So, if you are in the state of transition or breaking point, and you are couchable and you willing to surrender your pride and ego , “empty your cup” so to speak, and you are able to follow instructions correctly, we welcome you to join us. We have the solution to your pain, we will guide you and help you as much as we can. If you are already a 7-Figure income earner, you do not need our help, unless you don’t have
Time Freedom.

You can find me in Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, GooglePlus, Google, Youtube, Instagram, and Pintrest. Just search for my name: Ariston P Awitan M.D. You can meet me also at my Radio Shows: www.buildingfortunesradio.com/

Click on my picture at the middle of the page to access the mp3 links. or find me in my blogs: www.youmongusblog.com/aawitan and www.wordpress.com/media/apawitan1.wordpress.com

or email me at: aristonmdmm@gmail.com

or Skype me at: doctony1932 or call me at +1-386-627-8698 (home) +1-386-585-0157 (mobile)

Thank you so much for Listening

This is Dr. Awitan with my friend Peter Mingils signing out,

Have a Wonderful Day Engage with people and impact their lives

See you next week, Goodbye now !


Why should you join ME in Online Business over thousands of other people?

Why should you join ME in Online Business over thousands of other people?

By Ariston P Awitan. M.D.

Why should you join ME in Online Business over thousands of other people?

I will tell you, but first, I am going to give you an Update of My Life’s Journey.
I am Dr.Ariston P Awitan, Jr. The month of August is very special to me because It’s the month of my birthday. August 9, 2017 is my 85th birthday! I am so grateful that the Good Lord granted me 85 years of an exciting life.

I have accomplished everything I personally wanted for me and for my family. I reached the peak of my professional development as a doctor and orthopedic specialist and had a successful Orthopedic Surgery private practice for 33 years in the United States. I got my 4 children educated in the best Texas Universities that allowed them to land good jobs that give them good living and the ability to raise their families. I am blessed with 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. I have lived what I considered a balanced Life, the way I always wanted. I have nourished relationships with people I want to associate with during my life’s journey. I have developed and maintained my spiritual connection, good health, continuing physical fitness and emotional stability. I have traveled most of the countries in the world I wanted to visit.

In summary, I have done what I have decided as appropriate in my 85 years on this Planet. Now during this last lap of my lifetime, I want to give back, make a difference in peoples’ lives, and leave a legacy. One thing that encouraged me to help people with what I learned in network marketing is this statistics: The average North American family would not have to go special_special_

bankrupt if they had just have $300/ month of extra income. Half of the divorces in North America could be prevented with just $500/ month of extra income. So what we encourage is to earn at least $500/month in online business. Teach your members how to do this. Do the business consistently, with focus and determination and goals, and in 1 to 5 years, you will be able to replace your current linear income with residual income and really start living the life of your dreams.

We are here to teach you to master the concepts of our business model so that you can fast track yourself to the fast lane and become a top Income earner in your organization. I soon realized the hard way that network marketing is not a features and pitching business but a relationship and leadership business. In this business, we need to engage with people. And it takes between 5 to 12 conversations before a new prospect joins you. It has been found that during the first exposure, only 2% join your business; only 3% on the second; only 5% on the 3rd; only 10% on the 4th; and 80% on the 5th to the 12th exposure.

Now, to answer this question:

Why should you join ME in Online Business over thousands of other people?

There are five (5) reasons:

1. Among all, I have the experience . For over 25 years, in my quest to achieve Time Freedom, I experienced the “good, the bad and the ugly” in the Network Marketing Industry, however, I gained some wisdom, wisdom to know what online businesses to focus on worth my precious time and hard-earned dollars. Now I am ready to share with my friends who still need to build their dreams to become financially free.

2. I have the knowledge and the tools for personal development and leadership.

3. I have the help of 3 dedicated mentors complete with their data, real accomplishments of their successful strategies.

4. I am using the business models that will make you 7-Figure Income Earners if you got what it takes.

5. And I am passionate in my mission for you become financially free, give back, make a difference in your lives and leave a legacy. So get in touch with me. I have the passion to help you if you want my help to secure your financial future. I know who you are that need my help. You are either in their state of transition or at your breaking point. You are in the state of Transition if you lost your job, when you are downsized, when you are taken out from the corporation because you are not needed anymore, when you just transferred to a new city, when you are undergoing a divorce, when your career is at the dead-end or at a cross-roads, when your company changed the marketing plan and you found out that your salary is cut in half? If you are in the situations above, you are in the state of transition.

Or are you in the state of breaking point? Do you you have 3 jobs , you don’t have time and you are still in debt, you are bankrupt, your home is foreclosed, your car is repossesed, your kid is sick and you are driving to work, got caught in a heavy traffic, and was late at work for 3 minutes, and your supervisor was screaming at you because you were late and you say ” Enough is Enough I am not going to put up with this anymore !” That’s a breaking point !

So, if you are in the state of transition or breaking point, and you are couchable and you willing to surrender your pride and ego , “empty your cup” so to speak, and able to follow instructions correctly, we welcome you to join us. We have the solution to your pain, we will guide you and help you as much as we can. If you are already a 7-Figure income earner, you do not need my help, unless you don’t have Time Freedom.

You can find me in Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, GooglePlus, Google, Youtube, Instagram, and Pintrest. Just search for my name: Ariston P Awitan Jr., M.D. You can meet me also at my Radio Shows: www.buildingfortunesradio.com/

Click on my picture at the middle of the page to access the mp3 links.

or find me in my blogs: www.youmongusblog.com/aawitan and www.wordpress.com/media/apawitan1.wordpress.com or email me at: aristonmdmm@gmail.com or Skype me at: doctony1932 or call me at +1-386-627-8698 (home) +1-386-585-0157 (mobile)

Thank you so much for Listening This is Dr. Awitan , Have a Wonderful Day Engage with people and impact their lives ,


What is Bitcoin Funding Team ?–RADIO SHOW SATURDAY MAY 13 2017 2017 2PM EST TEL # 1-347-237-4097

RADIO SHOW  SATURDAY MAY 13 2017  2017  2PM EST TEL # 1-347-237-4097

By Ariston P Awitan, M.D.
Welcome to our Radio Show on BITCOINFUNDINGTEAM

But before I proceed, let me ask you a question:
If you know that you can leverage 0.10 bitcoin
( around $171) to over 80 bitcoin ( over $138,000 ) every month, and if you know that experts predicted that Bitcoin price will increase to $2,000 to $10,000 per coin at the end of 2017 and possibly be worth $100,000 per coin in the year 2026, HOW MUCH EFFORT WOULD YOU EXERT TO EARN THAT AMOUNT  OF MONEY?

We have a way for you to do that  with Bitcoin Funding Team !

A Program that’s very close to my heart, for 3 main reasons:
1.    I personally know the PERSON THAT PUT THIS PLATFORM TOGETHER, a close friend of mine, THOMAS DLUCA, a well-known successful Realtor, Entrepreneur, Network Marketer with impeccable Integrity and a big heart with a mission to help people. THANK YOU TOM FOR PUTTING THIS PLATFORM TOGETHER ~
2.    NO. 2 REASON:
2.  It is people helping people, not MLM. it is Crowdfunding, the donations comes directly to you, no middle man, the owner does not receive the money, the money goes directly to your Bitcoin wallet.
So, my friends who are skeptical network marketers who have been with MLM before , re-adjust your thinking,
This is not what you were used to deal with in your past life .
This is crowdfunding. You can leverage  0.1 Bitcoin to over  80 Bitcoins every month, and  it is a 2×5 matrix  where  you basically get 2 of your friends that  believe in you, let them get 2, by 2, by 2 and so on… and teach them what you do down the line.

3. It is a program where Bitcoin and Crowdfunding collide. Our donations are paid with Bitcoins.
Bitcoin is the Father of Cyptocurrencies,
It is accepted as a payment system in thousands of companies around the world and increasing daily.
In my research about which countries of the world accept bitcoin legally, out of 52 countries all over the world, I found only FOUR (4) countries  where Bitcoin is illegal.—and these are Bolivia,Ecuador. Kyrgyztan,  and Bangladesh. Forty Eight (48) other countries accept Bitcoin legally, and many others are considering that possibility.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_bitcoin_by_country_or_territory

Leading Russian online retailer Ulmart on Wednesday announced its plans to start accepting bitcoin payments beginning on September 1.
The Russian version of Amazon.com is present in more than 240 cities and towns across Russia.
A study by Trackad shows that Ulmart is the largest online retailer in Russia with 20 million monthly visitors, 30,000 daily orders, and 12 million items of goods and services. Trackad is a data management company used by the top 100 e-commerce Russian websites.

I looked into the Bitcoin transactions since 2009. I see fluctuations, so I recorded the lowest and  the highest number of transaction from 2009 To 2017.

In 2009, the lowest no. of transaction is 1.0,  the highest was 139 transactions.

In 2017, the lowest was 273,126 and the highest is 301,203.14  transactions.

2.    Subtract the original value from the new value, then divide the result by the original value. then
3.    Multiply the result by 100. The answer is the percent increase.
301,213.14 minus 139=301,074.14 divided by 139=2,166.00101 multiplied by 100=  the increase is 216,600.101 % INCREASE  in 8 years !

Now, you have seen a concrete proof and Track Record !
So are you still skeptical if Bitcoin will increase in price?

There are only 21 Million Bitcoins in the world, nothing more ! So supply is limited –an important factor in the increase in price.
The price fluctuates because it is controlled by traders.
The price of Bitcoin a few minutes was  1713.70 US Dollar

Let me digress a little bit, because I met a lot of my skeptical friends when I share with them Bitcoin Funding Team.
I tell them:
“What I know is that : our BitcoinFundingTeam is Crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is legal in the U.S.
Our former President Obama signed The Senate crowdfunding bill (S. 2190 or CROWDFUND Act) , the bill about crowdfunding in 2012.
In Bitcoin Funding Team, the money donation goes directly to the your Bitcoin wallet.– no middle men– no company receiving the money.
0.10 bitcoin is used as donation, onetime out of pocket, you can leverage that to over 80 bitcoins every month with the 2×5 matrix system.
Experts tell us that Bitcoin is here to stay, predicted to increase to $2,000, $5,000 , $15,000 or even more in the next few years– nobody can stop it .
Is it sure?
Well, the only thing sure I know in life are death and taxes. But the calculated risk is in our favor that those participating in Bitcoin Funding Team will be blessed with a lot of money!
And I know that well-known Billionaires in the world are investing in bitcoins like Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin group 400 companies in UK, and Dr. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google. Knowing this is enough for me to believe that Bitcoin is here to stay.
So my friend, can you visualize your future accumulating 80 Bitcoins a month?

Here’s a message from our Founder Thomas Dluca: He said,
“Inform Yourself about Bitcoin
Bitcoin is different than any currency you’ve used before, so it’s very important to understand some key points. Unlike government issued money, that can be inflated at will, the supply of bitcoin is mathematically limited to twenty one million bitcoins, and that can never be changed.
Bitcoins are impossible to counterfeit or inflate. You can use them to send or receive any amount of money, with anyone, anywhere in the world, at very low cost. Bitcoin payments are impossible to block, and bitcoin wallets can’t be frozen. Short of turning off the entire world’s internet, and keeping it turned off, the Bitcoin network is unstoppable and uncensorable.” End of quote.

Now Who am I ? Why should you listen to me?
I am Dr. Ariston P Awitan, Jr.,  a retired Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, I retired my orthopedic surgery private practice for 33 years, in Pasadena, TX., South East part of Houston.

I realized early on that our professions or jobs
Where we earn a linear income will make us a living,
But it will not make us a fortune.
So I have decided to build a residual income,
An income that will not stop
When we cannot report for work anymore,
Get fired from our job or when we retire.

This is the reason why I became a Professional Network Marketer with Network Marketing experience of over 20 years.

So, we get down to business.
This is a program where Bitcoin and Crowdfunding combine; it was launched on February 12, 2017. In 11weeks we have already over 12,259 members.
It  is a simple 2×5 Forced Matrix where you start by donating 0.10 Bitcoin to a cause.
As I mentioned Bitcoin price fluctuates,  being controlled by traders .Few minutes ago, Bitcoin was 1713.70 US Dollar
0.10 of that is  $171.00  one time out our of pocket that that you donate.
A 2×5 matrix means you have
2 people on level 1
4 people on level 2
8 people on level 3
16 people on level 4
and  32  people on level 5
For 62 Total Positions

You are donating one time on each level
Level 1 is a 0.10 Bitcoin Donation
And you will receive  a 0.20 Bitcoin Donation when that level is filled with 2 people.

***  You upgrade to the next Level when you have 2 people  that reached the rank of your same Level.
(Example: If you are on Stage 2, you upgrade to Stage 3 when you have 2  Stage 2 people) under you, AND SO ON….

Level 2 is a 0.20 Bitcoin Donation.
And you receive 0.80 Bitcoin Donation when that Level is filled with 4 people.
Level 3 is a 0.40 Bitcoin Donation.
And you will receive  3.2 Bitcoin Donations when the Level is filled with 8 people.
Level 4  is a  1.0 Bitcoin Donation.
And you will receive  16 Bitcoin  Donations when the level is filled with 16 people.
Level 5 is a 2 Bitcoin Donation.
And you will receive  64 Bitcoin Donations  when the level is filled with 32 people.

* You can  be paid 62 times per month.
* You can break even just after filling one position.
* There are  No Qualifications such as Bronze, Silver and Gold to slow down earning potential.
* 100% of the  Donations is directly paid to you.
* This is a Forced Matrix which means it is a Total Team Building Effort.



We are looking for people , with basic computer skills, coachable who are able to follow instructions and attention to details.
We believe that Bitcoin is here to stay,with increasing price in the near future; We have the System, and we have the dedicated leaders to help you build your dreams!
We are going to see the Great Wealth Transfer in our lives.
People that are wealthy now, if they don’t get on board with Bitcoin, they are going to be left behind.
People who do not have a lot of money, and people who work from 9 to 5 , be smart, be on board and share this with the people that you love and trust
to make a difference in their lives !

We are looking for people who can get 2 friends who believed in them, and most important, who can get 2, who can get 2 and get 2 and train them down the line..

When 2 people find 2 people who find 2 people every day,
and if you do that for  30 days, 45 days, or 90 days,
you can turn that into 2 Bitcoin, 4. 10, 20,or to 80 Bitcoins every month ,
and if Bitcoin price goes up to $2,000, $5,000, or  $15,000 per coin AS PREDICTED BY THE EXPERTS,  can you imagine how impresssive your earnings would be if you receive 80 Bitcoins every month ?

With today’s Bitcoin price at 1713.70 US Dollar
80 bitcoins are over $138,000 a month ! When was the last time you $138,000   a month ! And if bitcoin goes up to $10,000 then you just become  a  Millionaire and $138,000 a month  earner !



MY QUESTION TO YOU IS:   Do you belong to the 97% of non-believers, or do you belong to the 3% of believers in crypto currency?

You have the power in your hands right now!
And remember a couple of Extra Bitcoins a month you have, will change your life !!!


OR CALL ME At +1-386-627-8698
or Skype me at doctony1932 (Ariston P Awitan)

You can find me at Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Google, GooglePlus, Instagram and YouTube.

Listen to our previous Radio Shows at:

Click on my picture at the middle of the page
to access the mp3 links.

This is Dr. Awitan with my friend Peter Mingils reminding you
to be Grateful,
Be Healthy,
Engage with people
and Impact peoples’ lives.
Have a wonderful Day,
See you Next Week !


RADIO SHOW  SATURDAY APRIL 8,  2017  2PM EST TEL # 1-347-237-4097



By Ariston P Awitan, M.D.


Welcome to our Radio Show on BITCOINFUNDINGTEAM

A Program that’s very close to my heart, for 3 main reasons:

  1. I personally know the PERSON THAT PUT THIS PLATFORM TOGETHER, a close friend of mine, THOMAS DLUCA, a well-known successful Realtor, Entrepreneur, Network Marketer with impeccable Integrity and a big heart with a mission to help people. THANK YOU TOM FOR LISTENING TO ME TODAY !!!
  1. NO. 2 REASON:
  1. It is people helping people, not MLM. it is Crowdfunding, the donations comes directly to you, no middle man, the owner does not receive the money, the money goes directly to your Bitcoin wallet.

So, my friends who are skeptical network marketers who have been with MLM before , re-adjust your thinking,

This is not what you were used to deal with in your past life .

This is crowdfunding. You can leverage  0.1 Bitcoin to 84 Bitcoins every month, and  it is a 2×5 matrix  where  you basically get 2 of your friends that  believe in you, let them get 2, by 2, by 2 and so on… and teach them what you do down the line.


  1. It is a program where Bitcoin and Crowdfunding collide.

Bitcoin is the Father of Cyptocurrencies,

It is accepted as a payment system in thousands of companies around the world and increasing daily. In the news a week ago, Japan Officially Recognized Bitcoin and Digital Currencies as Money!

There are only 21 Million Bitcoins in the world, nothing more ! So supply is limited –an important factor in the increase in price.

The price fluctuates because it is controlled by traders.

The price of Bitcoin a few minutes was  $1,194.95Dollar.

Let me digress a little bit, because I encountered  a lot of my skeptical friends when I share with them Bitcoin Funding Team.

I tell them:

“What I know is that : our BitcoinFundingTeam is Crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is legal in the U.S.

Our former President Obama signed The Senate crowdfunding bill (S. 2190 or CROWDFUND Act) , the bill about crowdfunding in 2012.

In Bitcoin Funding Team, the money donation goes directly to the your Bitcoin wallet.– no middle men– no company receiving the money.

0.10 bitcoin is used as donation, onetime out of pocket, you can leverage that to 84 bitcoins every month with the 2×5 matrix system.

Experts tell us that Bitcoin is here to stay, predicted to increase to $2,000, $5,000 , $15,000 or even more in the next few years– nobody can stop it . Is it sure? Well, the only thing sure I know in life are death and taxes. But the calculated risk is in our favor that those participating in Bitcoin Funding Team will be blessed with a lot of money!

And I know that well-known Billionaires in the world are investing in bitcoins like Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin group 400 companies in UK, and Dr. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google. Knowing this is enough for me to believe that Bitcoin is here to stay.

You will notice out there in the internet that crowdfunding has mushroomed lately, but most  are paying with $US dollars, NOT with Bitcoin which we know has a potential to increase in price, not like the shrinking $US dollars!

 So it’s up to you, my friend, if you want to join or not. Just get back with me and tell me what you want to do.”

Here’s a message from our Founder Thomas Dluca:

“Inform Yourself about Bitcoin

Bitcoin is different than any currency you’ve used before, so it’s very important to understand some key points. Unlike government issued money, that can be inflated at will, the supply of bitcoin is mathematically limited to twenty one million bitcoins, and that can never be changed.

Bitcoins are impossible to counterfeit or inflate. You can use them to send or receive any amount of money, with anyone, anywhere in the world, at very low cost. Bitcoin payments are impossible to block, and bitcoin wallets can’t be frozen. Short of turning off the entire world’s internet, and keeping it turned off, the Bitcoin network is unstoppable and uncensorable.”

 Now Who am I ? Why should you listen to me?

I am Dr. Ariston P Awitan,Jr.,  a retired Orthopedic Surgeon, I retired my orthopedic surgery private practice for 33 years, in Pasadena, TX., South East part of Houston.


I realized early on that our professions or jobs

Where we earn a linear income will make us a living,

But it will not make us a fortune.

So we should strive to build a residual income,

An income that will not stop

When we cannot report for work anymore,

Get fired from our job or when we retire.


This is the reason why I am now a Professional Network Marketer with Network Marketing experience of over 20 years.


So, we go down to business.


This is a program where Bitcoin and Crowdfunding combine; it was launched on February 12, 2017. In 7 weeks we have already over 7,000  members.

It  is a simple 2×5 Forced Matrix where you start by donating 0.10 Bitcoin to a cause.

As I mentioned Bitcoin price fluctuates,  being controlled by traders .Few minutes ago, Bitcoin was $1,194.950.11 of that is  $119.00  one time out our of pocket that that you donate.

A 2×5 matrix means you have

2 people on level 1

4 people on level 2

8 people on level 3

16 people on level 4

and  32  people on level 5

For 62 Total Positions


You are donating one time on each level

Level 1 is a 0.10 Bitcoin Donation

And you will receive  a 0.20 Bitcoin Donation when that level is filled with 2 people.


             ***  You upgrade to the next Level when you have 2 people  that reached the rank of your same Level.

(Example: If you are on Stage 2, you upgrade to Stage 3 when you have 2  Stage 2 people) AND SO ON….


Level 2 is a 0.20 Bitcoin Donation.

And you receive 0.80 Bitcoin Donation when that Level is filled with 4 people.

Level 3 is a 0.40 Bitcoin Donation.

And you will receive  3.2 Bitcoin Donations when the Level is filled with 8 people.

Level 4  is a  1.0 Bitcoin Donation.

And you will receive  16 Bitcoin  Donations when the level is filled with 16 people.

Level 5 is a 2 Bitcoin Donation.

And you will receive  64 Bitcoin Donations  when the level is filled with 32 people.


* You can  be paid 62 times per month.

* You can break even just after filling one position.

* There are  No Qualifications such as Bronze, Silver and Gold to slow down earning potential.

* 100% of the Money stays in your matrix in the form of Donations directly paid to you.

* This is a Forced Matrix which means it is a Total Team Building Effort.




 We are looking for people , with basic computer skills, coachable who are able to follow instructions and attention to details.

We believe that Bitcoin is here to stay,with increasing price in the near future; We have the System, and we have the dedicated leaders to help you build your dreams!

We are going to see the Great Wealth Transfer in our lives.

People that are wealthy now, if they don’t get on board with Bitcoin, they are going to be left behind.

People who do not have a lot of money, and people who work from 9 to 5 ,   be smart, be on board and share this with the people that you love and trust

to make a difference in their lives !


We are looking for people who can get 2 friends who believed in them, and most important, who can get 2, who can get 2 and get 2 and train them  down the line..


When 2 people find 2 people who find 2 people every day,

and if you do that for  30 days, 45 days, or 90 days,

you can turn that into 2 Bitcoin, 4. 10, 20,or to 84 Bitcoins every month ,

and if Bitcoin price goes up to $2,000, $5,000, or  $15,000 per coin AS PREDICTED BY THE EXPERTS,  can you imagine how impresssive your earnings would be if you receive 84 Bitcoins every month ?


With today’s price at $ $1,194.95per bitcoin, 84 bitcoins are over $100,000.00 ! a month ! When was the last time you earned  $100,000 a month ? 

And if bitcoin goes up to $10,000 then you just become  a  Millionaire and a 100,000 a month earner !







 MY QUESTION TO YOU IS:   Do you belong to the 97% of non-believers, or do you belong to the 3% of believers in crypto currency?





OR CALL ME At +1-386-627-8698

or Skype me at doctony1932?chat

or email me at  aristonmdmm@gmail.com


The text of this Radio Show is published at my blog:


Listen to our previous Radio Shows at:



Click on my picture at the middle of the page

to access the mp3 links.


This is Dr. Awitan with my friend Peter Mingils reminding you

to be Grateful,

Be Healthy,

Engage with people

and Impact peoples’ lives.

Have a wonderful Day,

 See you Next Week !








RADIO SHOW  SATURDAY MARCH 18,  2017  2PM EST TEL # 1-347-237-4097



By Ariston P Awitan, M.D.

Welcome to our Radio Show my Friends on BITCOIN FUNDING TEAM

A Program that’s very close to my heart, for 3 main reasons:

  1. I personally know the PERSON THAT PUT THIS PLATFORM TOGETHER, a close friend of mine, THOMAS DLUCA, a well-known successful Realtor, Entrepreneur, Network Marketer with impeccable Integrity and a big heart with a mission to help people.
  2. It is people helping people, not MLM. it is Crowdfunding, the donations comes directly to you, no middle man, the owner does not receive the money, the money goes directly to your Bitcoin wallet.

So, my friends who are skeptical network marketers who have been with MLM before , re-adjust your thinking,

This is not what you were used to deal with in your past life .

This is crowdfunding. You can leverage  0.1 Bitcoin to 84 Bitcoins every month, and  it is a 2×5 matrix  where  you basically get 2 of your friends that  believe in you, let them get 2, by 2, by 2 and so on… and teach them what you do down the line.


  1. It is a program where Bitcoin and Crowdfunding collide.

Bitcoin is the Father of Cyptocurrencies,

It is accepted as a payment system in hundreds of companies around the world and increasing daily.

There are only 21 Million Bitcoins in the world, nothing more ! So supply is limited –an important factor in the increase in price.

The price of Bitcoin as we speak is  1013.00 US Dollar.

Let me digress a little bit, because I encountered  a lot of my skeptical friends when I share with them Bitcoin Funding Team.

I tell them:

“What I know is that : our BitcoinFundingTeam is Crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is legal in the U.S.

Our former President Obama signed The Senate crowdfunding bill (S. 2190 or CROWDFUND Act) , the bill about crowdfunding in 2012.

In Bitcoin Funding Team, the money donation goes directly to the your Bitcoin wallet.– no middle men– no company receiving the money.

0.10 bitcoin is used as donation, onetime out of pocket, you can leverage that to 84 bitcoins every month with the 2×5 matrix system.

Experts tell us that Bitcoin is here to stay, predicted to increase to $2,000, $5,000 , $15,000 or even more in the next few years– nobody can stop it . Is it sure? Well, the only thing sure I know in life are death and taxes. But the calculated risk is in our favor that those participating in Bitcoin Funding Team will be blessed with a lot of money!

And I know that well-known Billionaires in the world are investing in bitcoins like Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin group 400 companies in UK, and Dr. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google. Knowing this is enough for me to believe that Bitcoin is here to stay.

 So it’s up to you , my friend, if you want to join or not. Just get back with me and tell me what you want to do.”


Now Who am I ? Why should you listen to me?

I am Dr. Ariston P Awitan,Jr.,  a retired Orthopedic Surgeon, I retired my orthopedic surgery private practice for 33 years, in Pasadena, TX., South East part of Houston.


I realized early on that our professions or jobs

Where we earn a linear income will make us a living,

But it will not make us a fortune.

So we should strive to build a residual income,

An income that will not stop

When we cannot report for work anymore,

Get fired from our job or when we retire.


This is the reason why I am now a Professional Network Marketer with Network Marketing experience of over 20 years.


So, we go down to business.


This is a program where Bitcoin and Crowdfunding combine; it was launched on February 12, 2017.

It  is a simple 2×5 Forced Matrix where you start by donating 0.10 Bitcoin to a cause.

At the time of this presentation, Bitcoin is1013.00 US Dollar 0.10 of that is  $101.30 that you use to donate.

A 2×5 matrix means you have

2 people on level 1

4 people on level 2

8 people on level 3

16 people on level 4

and  32  people on level 5

For 62 Total Positions


You are donating one time on each level

Level 1 is a 0.10 Bitcoin Donation

And you will receive  a 0.20 Bitcoin Donation when that level is filled with 2 people.


             ***  You upgrade to the next Level when you have 2 people  that reached the rank of your same Level.

(Example: If you are on Stage 2, you upgrade to Stage 3 when you have 2  Stage 2 people) AND SO ON….


Level 2 is a 0.20 Bitcoin Donation.

And you receive 0.80 Bitcoin Donation when that Level is filled with 4 people.

Level 3 is a 0.40 Bitcoin Donation.

And you will receive  3.2 Bitcoin Donations when the Level is filled with 8 people.

Level 4  is a  1.0 Bitcoin Donation.

And you will receive  16 Bitcoin  Donations when the level is filled with 16 people.

Level 5 is a 2 Bitcoin Donation.

And you will receive  64 Bitcoin Donations  when the level is filled with 32 people.


* You can  be paid 62 times per month.

* You can break even just after filling one position.

* There are  No Qualifications such as Bronze, Silver and Gold to slow down earning potential.

* 100% of the Money stays in your matrix in the form of Donations directly paid to you.

* This is a Forced Matrix which means it is a Total Team Building Effort.




 We are looking for people , with basic computer skills, coachable who are able to follow instructions and attention to details.

We believe that Bitcoin is here to stay,with increasing price in the near future; We have the System, and we have the dedicated leaders to help you build your dreams!

We are going to see the Great Wealth Transfer in our lives.

People that are wealthy now, if they don’t get on board with Bitcoin, they are going to be left behind.

People who do not have a lot of money, and people who work from 9 to 5 ,   be smart, be on board and share this with the people that you love and trust

to make a difference in their lives !


We are looking for people who can get 2 friends who believed in them,

who can get 2, who can get 2 and get 2 down the line..


When 2 people find 2 people who find 2 people every day,

and if you do that for  30 days, 45 days, or 90 days,

you can turn that into 2 Bitcoin, 4. 10, 20,or to 84 Bitcoins every month ,

and if Bitcoin price goes up to $2,000, $5,000, or  $15,000 per coin AS PREDICTED BY THE EXPERTS,  can you imagine how impresssive your earnings would be if you receive 84 Bitcoins every month ?


With today’s price at $ 1013.00 US Dollar per bitcoin, 84 bitcoins are over $85,000.00 ! a month ! When was the last time you earned  $85,000 a month ? 

And if bitcoin goes up to $10,000 then you ‘ll be on your way of becoming a  Millionaire and a $85,000 a month earner !







 MY QUESTION TO YOU IS:   Do you belong to the 97% of non-believers, or do you belong to the 3% of believers in crypto currency?





OR CALL ME At +1-386-627-8698

or Skype me at doctony1932?chat

or email me at  aristonmdmm@gmail.com


The text of this Radio Show is published at my blogs: https://youmongusblog.com/aawitan


Listen to our previous Radio Shows at:



Click on my picture At the middle of the page

to access the mp3 links.




This is Dr. Awitan with my friend Peter Mingils reminding you

to be Grateful,

Be Healthy,

Engage with people

and Impact peoples’ lives.

Have a wonderful Day,

 See you Next Week !








RADIO SHOW  SATURDAY MARCH 11,  2017  2PM EST TEL # 1-347-237-4097


By Ariston P Awitan, M.D.

Today, I am going to present to you BITCOINFUNDINGTEAM

A Program that’s very close to my heart, for 3 main reasons:

  1. I personally know the PERSON THAT PUT THIS PLATFORM TOGETHER, a close friend of mine, THOMAS DLUCA, a well-known successful Realtor, Entrepreneur, Network Marketer with impeccable Integrity and a big heart with a mission to help people.
  2. It is people helping people, not MLM. it is Crowdfunding, the donations comes directly to you, no middle man, the owner does not receive the money, the money goes directly to your Bitcoin wallet. ( So, my friends who are skeptical network marketers who have been with MLM before , re-adjust your thinking, this is not what you were used to deal with in your past life ). This is crowdfunding. You can leverage  0.1 Bitcoin to 84 Bitcoins every month, and it is a 2×5 matrix  where  you basically get 2 of your friends that  believe in you, let them get 2, by 2, by 2 and so on… and teach them what you do down the line.


  1. It is a program where Bitcoin and Crowdfunding collide. Bitcoin is the Father of Cyptocurrencies, is accepted as a payment system in hundreds of companies around the world and increasing daily. There are only 21 Million Bitcoins in the world, nothing more ! So supply is limited ! –An important factor in the increase in price. The price of Bitcoin as we speak is  1190.56 US Dollar

Let me digress a little bit, because I encountered  a lot of my skeptical friends when I share with  them Bitcoin Funding Team.

I tell them:

What I know : Our BitcoinFundingTeam is Crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is legal in the U.S. Our former President Obama signed The Senate crowdfunding bill (S. 2190 or CROWDFUND Act) , the bill about crowdfunding in 2012. in BFT, the money donation goes directly to the person’s Bitcoin wallet.– no middle men– no company receiving the money. 0.10 bitcoin is used as donation, onetime out of pocket, you can leverage that to 84 bitcoins every month with the 2×5 matrix system. Experts tell us that Bitcoin is here to stay, predicted to increase to $2,000, $5,000 , $15,000 or even more in the next few years– nobody can stop it . Is it sure? Well, the only thing sure I know are death and taxes. But the calculated risk is in our favor that those participating in Bitcoin Funding Team will be blessed with a lot of money!

And I know that the well-known Billionaires in the world are investing in bitcoins like Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin group 400 companies in UK, and Dr. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, is enough for me to believe that Bitcoin is here to stay.

 So it’s up to you if you want to join or not. Just get back with me and tell me what you want to do.”


Now Who am I ? Why should you listen to me?

I am Dr. Ariston P Awitan, a retired Orthopedic Surgeon, I retired my orthopedic surgery private practice for 33 years, in Pasadena, TX., South East part of Houston.

 I realized early on that our professions or jobs

Where we earn a linear income will make us a living,

but it will not make us a fortune.

So we should strive to build a residual income,

an income that will not stop

when we cannot report for work anymore,

get fired from our job or when we  retire.

 This is the reason why I am now a Professional Network Marketer with Network Marketing experience of over 20 years.

 So, we go down to business.


This is a program  where Bitcoin and Crowdfunding combine, it was launched on February 12, 2017.

It  is a simple 2×5 Forced Matrix where you start by donating 0.10 Bitcoin to a cause.

At the time of this presentation, Bitcoin is  1190.56 US Dollar0.10 of that is  $119.05 you have to donate.

A 2×5 matrix means you have

2 people on level 1

4 people on level 2

8 people on level 3

16 people on level 4

and  32  people on level 5

For 62 Total Positions


You are donating one time on each level

Level 1 is a 0.10 Bitcoin Donation

And you will receive  a 0.20 Bitcoin Donation when that level is filled with 2 people.


             ***  You upgrade to the next Level when you have 2 people  that reached the rank of your same Level.

(Example: If you are on Stage 2, you upgrade to Stage 3 when you have 2  Stage 2 people) AND SO ON….


Level 2 is a 0.20 Bitcoin Donation.

And you receive 0.80 Bitcoin Donation when that Level is filled with 4 people.

Level 3 is a 0.40 Bitcoin Donation.

And you will receive  3.2 Bitcoin Donations when the Level is filled with 8 people.

Level 4  is a  1.0 Bitcoin Donation.

And you will receive  16 Bitcoin  Donations when the level is filled with 16 people.

Level 5 is a 2 Bitcoin Donation.

And you will receive  64 Bitcoin Donations  when the level is filled with 32 people.


* You can  be paid 62 times per month.

* You can break even just after filling one position.

* There are  No Qualifications such as Bronze, Silver and Gold to slow down earning potential.

* 100% of the Money stays in your matrix in the form of Donations directly paid to you.

* This is a Forced Matrix which means it is a Total Team Building Effort.






We are looking for people , with basic computer skills, coachable who are able to follow instructions and attention to details. We believe that Bitcoin is here to stay,with increasing price in the near future; We have the System, and we have the dedicated leaders to help you build your dreams!

We are going to see the Great Wealth Transfer in our lives.

People that are wealthy now, if they don’t get on board with Bitcoin, they are going to be left behind.

People who do not have a lot of money, and people who work from 9 to 5 , you should be smart, be on board and share this with the people that you love and trust to make a difference in their lives !

We are looking for people  who can get 2 friends who  believed in them, who can get 2, who can get 2 and get 2 down the line..

When 2 people find 2 people who find 2 people every day, and if you do that for  30 days, 45 days, or 90 days, you can turn that into 2 Bitcoin, 4. 10, 20,or to 84 Bitcoins every month , and if Bitcoin price goes up to $2,000, $5,000, or  $15,000 per coin AS PREDICTED BY THE EXPERTS,  can you imagine how impresssive your earnings would be if you receive 84 Bitcoins every month ?

With today’s price at $ 1190.56 US Dollarper bitcoin, 84 bitcoins are over $100,000.00 ! a month ! When was the last time you earned  $100,000 a month ?  

And if bitcoin goes up to $10,000 then you just become a Millionaire and a $100,000 a month earner !




  MY QUESTION TO YOU IS:   Do you belong to the 97% of non-believers, or do you belong to the 3% of believers in crypto currency?


GET   BACK WITH THE PERSON WHO SENT YOU THE INFORMATION  OF THIS RADIO BROADCAST, to answer any of your question and ask him for his referral link  if you are ready to join.

OR CALL ME At +1-386-627-8698

or Skype me at doctony1932?chat

or email me at  aristonmdmm@gmail.com

OR JOIN ME HERE:  http://bitcoincrowdfundingnow.com

The text of this Radio Show is published at my blog: https://youmongusblog.com/aawitan

Listen to our previous Radio Shows at:


Click on my picture At the middle of the page to access the mp3 links.

This is Dr. Awitan with my friend Peter Mingils reminding you to be Grateful, Be Healthy, Engage with people and Impact peoples’ lives.

Have a wonderful Day, See you Next Week !







RADIO SHOW: SATURDAY February 11, 2017 ,  2PM EST

TEL. 1-347-237-4097


It is very rare in our lifetime to have an opportunity  that will  give us time freedom !


Vizionary  is an opportunity today that gives a chance to ordinary people like you and me to  become millionaires in the next few years!

By Ariston P Awitan, M.D.


 Good Afternoon my Friends!

It is very rare in our lifetime to have an opportunity that will give us time freedom !


In this presentation I will tell you  

How ordinary people can possibly become millionaires in 5 years or less!

And how you can save from your transaction costs of your businesses by using the Capripay payment solution system.


I am an Affiliate of Vizionary.com

I was invited by my sponsor,

to check Vizionary in January of 2016.

I learned that Frode Berg,

The CEO and Founder of Vizionary,

Organized this company because he was tired

of being   a victim of  a couple of companies in the past

where he  worked hard to build the business

only for the companies  to disappear 

Consequently he lost his money and precious times

he spent for them.


So he built the Vizionary Business Model.

This is not a Ponzi scheme,

not a pyramid, not a scam.  It is a Real Online Business.

 It follows all the compliance requirements of the authorities.


Let me tell you about the impressive qualifications of the members of the Vizionary Management Team.


Vizionary was founded by two experienced entrepreneurs

with more than 35 years of combined experience

in network marketing,  Leadership and traditional business.

  1. Frode Berg of Norway

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Frode Berg is a highly respected sales and team building professional

With over 20 years of experience

and a history of success.

  1. Ladislav Pasztor of Slovakia

Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer

Ladislav Pasztor is a highly successful entrepreneur

With over 15 years of experience

not only in importing and retailing

but also in network marketing.

Other members of the Management Team

  1. Andy Morbitzer from the USA

Co-owner and Global Master Distributor

Andy Morbitzer is an entrepreneur,

with experience in Wall Street,

and a business leader with a proven record of success

at the highest levels.

  1. Jesper Bentzen from Denmark another experienced Businessman and Network Marketer is Co-Owner and Strategic Advisor.
  2. Tahir Ali, CEO of Topsides –For technical solution and business support, Vizionary has chosen to work with Topsites, a successful and well-known British Software Company with 15 years of experience in Network Marketing.

 How many times in the past have you joined a business with just one Founder, one brain! Here in Vizionary we have 5 brains working together to make this business work !

Now Who am I ? Why should you listen to me?

I am Dr. Ariston P Awitan, a retired Orthopedic Surgeon, I retired my orthopedic surgery private practice for 33 years, in Pasadena, TX., South East part of Houston.


I realized early on that our professions or jobs

Where we earn a linear income will make us a living,

but it will not make us a fortune.

So we should strive to build a residual income,

an income that will not stop

when we cannot report for work anymore,

get fired from our job or when we  retire.


This is the reason why I am now a Professional Network Marketer with Network Marketing experience of over 20 years.


So, we go down to business.

I will tell you about




     About Bitcoin

     The Difference between Bitcoin and Capricoin,

      Why Capricoin is destined to appreciate in value,

     The 5 Ways to Earn Money in Vizionary Without  Sponsoring

      And finally how you can participate

 in this great Wealth Transfer in Human History.


 Vizionary is a network marketing company

That provides crypto currency education,

Both theoretical and practical.

The theoretical part is  a step-by-step information

about crypto currency and keeping the members updated

about the latest news in the industry.

The practical part is that we offer a mining service

with access to an online crypto currency wallet

 And access to an exchange platform.


Vizionary brought Capricoin to the Market in 2015

It is the marketing  arm of Capricoin

It sells Mining Time

It mines coins for us.


Vizionary allows us to invite our friends to build a Binary Business.

When you build the business, inviting your friends and when they  join you and buy packages, you will get your Capricoin for FREE.







Vizionary has a CAPRIPAY mobile app,

payment solution system  that  uses CAPRICOIN;

Customers and merchants can download this Capripay app for free and when they use it, Customers get Cash backs  

And the affiliates get commissions  

in the form of Capricoin.


Question:  Are there any fees in creating or using a Capripay Account?

Answer: There is no registration, subscription or other hidden fees for having a Capripay personal or business wallet Account.


Now, what is Capricoin?


Capricoin is the second generation true crypto currency,

Listed in two crypto currency exchanges:  

Bittrex  and Bleutrade. It has its own Block Chain


Capricoin is a Dual Hybrid coin,

meaning,  it has Proof of Work, which is work that goes into the mining of the coin,

And Proof of Stake, which is the work on verifying transactions in the internet. 


Just making your external wallet   open  that you downloaded in your PC or Lap Top computer,

This wallet verifies transactions 

Which take place when the coins are transferred

From one wallet to another,

Then the members are rewarded 

With a portion of capricoins for every verification,


And this can be lucrative .Just an example: If you have 100,000 Capricoin in your external wallet,

 You get  as a reward 400 coins per week !


Capricoin gives power back to the people

And  eliminates  the abuse of power.

Capricoin is the coin used in Capripay transactions. And as  I mentioned,

There are no registration, subscription or other hidden fees for having a Capripay personal or business wallet Account.


And the transaction is fast,

(About 3 seconds or less), and

There are No Charge backs.


Capricoin is a decentralized currency,

Meaning  it is not controlled by the government, banks or corporation;

You are the only one that controls it.


Capricoin is inflation proof (because of fixed money supply)

And it is designed to increase in value.


Now, what gives Capricoin its value? 

      1) Its usefulness as a currency

  2) Its Scarcity of Supply (only 200 Million to be mined in the next 9 years)


Capricoin increases in value because of supply and demand.


It is easy to use

It is accepted anywhere in the world, and as I mentioned,

It is traded on external public exchanges

Like Bittrex & Bleutrade

It is developed by Powerful Financial, Technology and Marketing Professionals

It is endorsed by the Industry’s Best Cryptocurrency Expert

Gary Conner, the publisher of Altcoin Today,

He said that Capricoin is “The Perfect Coin”

and he advised to  accumulate as many as you can!



Now let me ask you, did you miss Bitcoin in 2009? 

Bitcoin was the First Crypto currency.

In 2009, its value was $0.01 cent of US dollar.

Today,  February 11, 2017, the price is 1023.88 US Dollar So if you invested $100.00 in Bitcoin in 2009,

today you would have over  $10.2 Million dollars

Capricoin is our second chance!

Capricoin today costs $ 0.1113811cent  today,

our best chance to buy NOW,

Because how much would you think the price of Capricoin would be in 2  or 3 or 5  years from now?


Bitcoin now is accepted in some 600,000 merchants

all over the world. 

But while Bitcoin has its successes,

it has also some shortcomings.



          Has No strategy to bring to market at all  



          Has Formal marketing in Vizionary


 In BITCOIN                    

          Mining and Verification cost increase 

— because verification is done by miners


           Resources used will never increase

  • because verification is done on external wallet


            There is NO Collective effort   


             There is a Global effort Via Network of Business Builders



         Verification takes time 



          Instant global transaction is completed in 3 seconds or less


          There is clumsy conversion to local fiat currency  


           There is Instant conversion via mobile application

The price of BITCOIN:

           Is Volatile– because it is treated as an investment 

A few fays ago it was $1100, yesterday was around $923 dollar and today, it is  $1023.88                     


With CAPRICOIN: the price is not as volatile like Bitcoin

           Because it is designed as a transaction for everyday use


What is Most Significant is that 
Vizionary has 12 Streams of Income, 5 of them do not need any sponsoring.. 

You can see the details at  www.vizionaryabc.com 



Capricoin  is a second generation crypto currency 

It is a new Revolution comparable to the internet, computers and smartphones.

I mentioned that Vizionary has Capripay.

Capripay is the first Cryptocurrency Payment Solution Provider with Cashback

Capripay  also allows anyone to store and send Capricoins to anyone
with a Capripay account.

Our Capricoin crypto currency business

Involves the banking and finance market 

which is an 80 Trillion Dollar Market,

the largest market on the planet!


Capricoin is destined to increase in value 

Because of the following 5 features

     * 1.It has a marketing system in Vizionary.

     *2.Vizionary has over 30 to 35,000 business builders today, and increasing daily, 


*3.We have Merchants and Customers—

The conservative estimate is that there will be over 100,000 merchants 

And over 20Million Customers next year, in 2018,


      *4.We have  the Capripay mobile app 

That merchants and customers can download for free

and when they use it,

It will create more demands in Capricoin.

And lastly,

       *5.There is a limited supply because only 200Million coins

will be mined by the Vizionary Mining System in the next 9 years.


Think about this:

Bitcoin increased to over $700 per coin in 5 yearswithout the above features. So how much would you think the price of Capricoin in 5 years with all the above 5 features in place?


                           Summing up this Presentation

There are 5 Ways to Earn Money in Vizionary Without Sponsoring  (and 7 Ways to Earn if You Build the Business by building your Team)


The 5 Ways Without Sponsoring are:

  1. By Accumulating Capricoin—Buy Mining Units. Capricoin is destined to increase in Value.


  1. By Staking on External Wallet. Download Capricoin External Wallet into your Computer; transfer Capricoin into your External Wallet; participate in Verifying Transactions and Earn Capricoin every week.


3.You Get 20% Bonus by Buying and Selling on the Vizionary Retail Platform.


4.You Get 20 to 40% Bonus for Participation


  1. Cash backs and Commissions in Capripay—Customers and Merchants sign up for Free and when they use Capripay, customers get Cashbacks and Affiliates get commissions in the form of Capricoin.

(You can get the Details of the 7 Ways to Earn by Building a Team at www.vizionaryabc.com)





We have the Registration Package which costs 47 Euros but it carries no mining slots

Then we have 5 other packages THAT CARRY MINING SLOTS.. (The details are in www.vizionaryabc.com)


  Bronze        Silver             Gold         Platinum     Vizionary

  97 Euros   297 Euros   897 Euros   1,997  Euros   5,997 Euros  


Each of these packages carries a Total Mining Slots         3 (Bronze)                16(Silver)                  56(Gold)                  150(Platinum)                    500(Vizionary)

The more mining slots you have, the more coins you produce.

Commission  Value (cv)          50  (Bronze)             200  (Silver)              600  (Gold)             1,500 (Platinum)                 5,000 (Vizionary)

Max Mining slot/week   2  (Bronze)               8  (Silver)                    24  (Gold)             80 (Platinum)                      100 (Vizionary)


Let me make it simple for you. If you are one who thinks Big and money is not a problem and you want to do the business  by building a team, The Best way to do the business is: you would buy 3 Vizionary packages, so you would have one on top, one on the left and one on your right leg. And add more  business builders in your team or buy more packages  to build your business.

The Second Best is buy 3 Gold packages and do the same as above.

By doing that, you are going to qualify for the binary and matching bonuses.

If you do not want to build a team but would just buy a package then add more packages every now and accumulate Capricoin, then Start with a Vizionary package and go from there.

What is important to remember as regards the CV or Commission Value:  This is a binary business, so if you have 200 CV on the left and 200 CV on your right leg, you qualify for the Binary.

        And if you have 500 CV on both of your legs, you Cycle or get a Step then you generate a commission.

                             Concluding Remarks

As you noticed,

The Most Expensive package is the Vizionary package which costs 5,997 Euros but this carries 500 mining slots and it will give you around 5,000 Capricoin.

Remember at the beginning of this presentation, I told you

How ordinary people can possibly become millionaires in 5 years or less?  Here it is:


Imagine that the price of each Capricoin goes up to $1,000 in the next few years, if you buy a Vizionary package NOW (without building the business and have 5,000 Capricoins) or if you slowly accumulate 5,000 Capricoins  in the next few years (by building the business)

 You would have $5 Million Dollars!


 Disclaimer: Can I guarantee you that you will become a multimillionaire? Of course not ! As you know, the only sure things in life are death and taxes.  But you have seen Bitcoin price increased to over $1000 dollars, without the 5 features that we have in Capricoin, so we believed  Capricoin price will increase ,even more,  in the next few years because of the above features in place !

MY QUESTION TO YOU IS:   Do you belong to the 97% of non-believers, or do you belong to the 3% of believers in crypto currency?

You missed the Bitcoin train; will you miss the Capricoin Bullet Train?


My friends, you hold your financial future in your hands!

My next Question is  Are you ready to join us?

Get back with the person who sent you the information of this Radio Broadcast  or Vizionary Business

to have any of your questions answered.

Or you can call me at


My Phone is + 1386-627-8698

Skype: doctony1932?chat

My Friends, I am looking for people who believe in what I believed and that is: if we work smart ( not necessarily hard) we can make more than enough money to provide for our needs and for  our family and be able to help other  people we want to help.

The Text of thhttp://buildingfortunesradio.comis Radio Show is published at my blog:  https://www.youmongusblog.com/aawitan  

Listen to our previous Radio Shows at:  

Click on my picture at the middle of the page to access the mp3 links

Thank you so much for Listening!

This is Dr. Awitan with my friend Peter Mingils reminding you in this New Year to be Grateful, Be Healthy, Engage with people and Make an  Impact on  people’s lives!

See you next week! Good Bye now!

Simple Straight-Shooter Vizionary Business Presentation

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TEL. 1-347-237-4097

 Simple Straight-Shooter Vizionary Business Presentation


By Ariston P Awitan, M.D.


Good Afternoon. Good Evening, Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen  Wherever you are in the World !


I would seriously ask you to find out how you can diversify and protect your assets from the rapid devaluation of the $US Dollar or any Fiat Currency

I am an Affiliate of Vizionary.com

I Was invited by my sponsor, now my partner, from Norway, to check Vizionary in January of 2016.

I learned that Frode Berg, the CEO and Founder of Vizionary, organized this company because he was tired of being  a victim of a couple of companies in the past where he worked hard to build the business only to disappear and lost his money and precious times he spent for them. So he built Vizionary Business Model , not a Ponzi scheme, not a pyramid, not a scam, BUT IT IS A COMPANY that follows all the compliance requirements of the authorities.

The Vizionary Management

Vizionary is founded by two experienced entrepreneurs with more than 35 years of combined experience in network marketing, leadership and traditional business.

1.Frode Berg, Norway

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Frode Berg is a highly respected sales and team building professional with over 20 years of experience and a history of success.

  1. Ladislav Pasztor, Slovakia

Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer

Ladislav Pasztor is a highly successful entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience not only in importing and retailing but also in network marketing.

Other members of the Management Team

3.Andy Morbitzer, USA

Co-owner and Global Master Distributor AND President of Vizionary

Andy Morbitzer is an entrepreneur and business leader with a proven record of success at the highest levels.

  1. Jesper Bentzen from Denmark, another experienced Businessman and Network Marketer, is Co-Owner and Strategic Advisor.
  2. Tahir Ali, CEO of Topsites –For technical solution and business support, Vizionary has chosen to work with Topsites, a successful and well-known British Software Company with 15 years of experience in Network Marketing,


Who am I ? Why should you listen to me: I am Dr. Ariston P Awitan Jr a retired Orthopedic Surgeon. I retired my orthopedic surgery private practice for 33 years, IN HOUSTON TX  AREA  now a Professional Network Marketer with Network Marketing experience of over 20 years.

So we go down to business.

Vizionary is a network marketing company that provides crypto currency education, both theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is step-by-step information about crypto currency and keeping the members updated about the latest news in the industry. The practical part is that we offer a mining service with access to an online crypto currency wallet and access to an exchange platform.

Vizionary  brought Capricoin to the Market in 2015

Vizionary  is the marketing arm of Capricoin

Vizionary sells Mining Time

Vizionary mines coins for us.

Vizionary allows us to invite our friends to build a Binary Business


Watch this Video:

  <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/CCHdbyLGkOg?rel=0&amp;controls=0&amp;showinfo=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Vizionary has a Capripay mobile app, a payment solution that uses capricoins; customers and merchants can download this Capripay app for free and when they use it, Customers get Cashbacks  and the affiliates get commissions  in the form of Capricoin.

Capricoin is the second generation true cryptocurrency, listed in two cryptocurrency exchangesBittrex and Bleutrade.

Capricoin is a Dual Hybred coin, meaning, it has Proof of Work , which is work that goes into the mining of the coin, and Proof of Stake, which is the work on verifying transactions in the internet.  Just making your external wallet  open that you downloaded in your PC or Lap Top computer, this wallet verifies transactions which take place  when the coins are transferred  from one wallet to another, then the members are rewarded  with a portion of capricoins  for every  verification, and this can be lucrative.

Capricoin gives power back to the people and eliminates the abuse of power.

Capricoin has low transaction costs. Fast Transactions  ( about 3 seconds), No Chargebacks.

Capricoin is a decentralised currency, meaning it is not controlled by the government, banks or corporation, you are the only one that controls it.

Capricoin is inflation proof ( fixed money supply)

Capricoin  is designed to increase in value.

What gives Capricoin its  value  a) Its  usefulness as a currency

  1. b) Scarcity of Supply ( only 200 Million will be mined in the next 9 years)

Capricoin increases in value because of demand and supply

Capricoin is  easy to use

It will be  accepted anywhere in the world

It is Traded on Bittrex

It is developed by Powerful Financial, Technology and Marketing Professionals

It is endorsed by  the Industry’s Best Cryptocurrency Expert, Gary Conner of Altcoin Today.



  BITCOIN                                      CAPRICOIN                                   

No strategy to bring to market at all    Formal marketing strategy in Vizionary

Mining and Verification cost increase       Resources used will never increase

(Verification by Miners)                (Verification done on external wallet

NO Collective effort                    Collective effort through network

Verification takes time           Instant  global transaction , FEW SECONDS

Clumsy conversion to local fiat currency     Instant conversion via mobile app

Volatile– it is seen as investment     Designed as a transaction for everyday use
What is Most Significant is that Vizionary has 12 Streams of Income, 5 of them do not need any sponsoring.. You can see the details at  www.vizionaryabc.com  and in my  Radio Shows at:      www.buildingfortunesradio.com  and in my blog:  www.makemoneyabc123.com


Did you miss Bitcoin in 2009?  Bitcoin was the First Cryptocurrency. In 2009, its value was $0.01 cent. Today Sept.3,2016, the price is 576.78 US Dollar. So if you invested $100.00 in Bitcoin in 2009, today you would have over $5.76Millions !  Capricoin is our second chance. Capricoin today (8/03/16) is only $0.241689 How much would you think the price of Capricoin would be in 2 or 3 or 5 years from now?

We have a business model with lucrative commissions.

Capricoin as a second generation cryptocurrency is a new Revolution comparable to the internet, computers and smartphones , and capripay as a digital payment solution system, will be with us for a very long time.

                ( TIME FOR STATION BREAK)

Our Capricoin cryptocurrency business involves the banking and finance market which is an 80 Trillion Dollar Market, the largest market on the planet.


Capricoin is destined to increase in value because of the following features:  It has a marketing system in Vizionary. Vizionary has over 20,000 business builders today, and increasing daily, the conservative estimate is that there will be over 100,000 merchants and over 20Million Customers in 2018, we have the Capripay mobile app that merchants and customers can download for free and and when they use it, it will create more demands in Capricoin, There is limited supply because only 200Million coins will be mined in the next 9 years.

Bitcoin increased to over $500 per coin in 5 years, without the above features. So how much would you think the price of Capricoin in 5 years with all the above features in place ?


Benefits   Bronze     Silver       Gold         Platinum     Vizionary


Mining package cost  97 Euros   297 Euros   897 Euros   997 Euros   5997

Total Mining Slots        3        16        56      150        500

Commission  Value (cv)     50    200        600    1,500       5,000

Max Mining slot/week       2     8          24      80        100

The Details you can access at www.vizionaryabc.com

I have to read to you a Quote by Sanja Budin:

“ Internet marketing is like

Digging a gold mine.

97% of the people focus

On the 99% dirt and dust

and keep complaining.

3% of the people focus on

the 1% gold and keep



So, I have a question for you:   Do you belong to the 97% of non-believers, or do you belong to the 3% of believers in cryptocurrency ?

You missed the Bitcoin train, Will you miss the Capricoin bullet Train ?

You hold the financial future in your hands

My other Question is Are you ready?


Call me to answer any of your questions at My Phone 1-713-392-5493

Or  Skype: doctony1932 (Ariston P Awitan)

My website is:  http://www.instantpaylowfee.com

This is Dr. Awitan with my friend, Peter Mingils signing out.

Have a Wonderful day, See you next week !



I Invite You to Join My SOZO Team


By Dr. Ariston P Awitan


Hello Fellow Entrepreneur,

If I can help make you financially secure and healthy so that you do not have to worry about anything, but just do what you really want to do, would you look at SOZO ? Keep reading.
In my over 20 years of network marketing, I noticed that people do not quit from companies where they have “emotional attachment” to a product that benefits their health or beauty.
Most of them care less about money games , matrices, gold/silver, gifting programs or products that that they cannot feel or see the benefits.
And while I was pondering about these, I was introduced to a debt-free company based in Austin, Texas established in 2009 by Mark Adams, an experienced successful seasoned entrepreneur who has built multi-million dollar companies in the past. This particular company, SOZO, I am talking about has the following exciting features:
1. The product is from Coffee Berry. The Sozo products available are Skin Care product, Gourmet Coffee, Sozo weight- Loss gourmet coffee,nutritional beverage,and energy drink (Ignite) with the most potent anti-oxidant content (ranks 15,000 on orac scale). The antioxidant value of one gram of CoffeeBerry is equivalent to 625 grams of blueberries, 974 grams of strawberries, or 1,230 grams of raspberries!
2. SOZO has the exclusive licensed rights to use CoffeeBerry® and all associated trademarks in the Network Marketing / Direct Sales Industry worldwide
3. One of the best compensation plan I have ever seen. It is the business built around the benefits of the distributors.
4. It solves the “attrition” problem of network marketing, not only that the product has an “emotional attachment” to the users/members, the company provides Health, Vision, Dental Life Insurance and 401k benefits. This is the first network marketing company that I know which provides these benefits.
I met the owner and CEO of the Company, Mr. Mark Adams, during the meeting in Dallas in May 2014. He told us about his vision of this company, which to me is bright and outstanding !
The company is now open for business in the U.S. and Canada, but it has plans to go global.
We are in the right place at the right time, riding at the beginning of the momentum stage.
And think of this my friend: there are 400,000,000 ( 400Million) cups of coffee consumed daily in the United States alone ! So are way on the right vehicle? You better believe it !
Here’s some info and my link at the bottom. JOIN me and let’s rock and roll !


SoZo CoffeeBerry | Once In A Lifetime Opportunity – Residual Income

An Interview With Mark Adams

Sozo Global – What makes Sozo different, by CEO Mark Adams

SOZO Overview Presentation

Sozo Coffee-Comp Plan

SoZo Presentation with Jim Chao and Dr. Jeramy Colvin

How To Start a SoZo Life Business

JOIN here below by clicking my website:

Call me, let me help you to become healthy and financially free,
Ariston P.Awitan,Jr.,M.D.
Skype: doctony1932
email: aristonmdmm@gmail.com


Why You Should Join Me in My SOZO Team


By Dr. Ariston P Awitan

We have a company which I believed, the best in the industry today.SOZO means in Greek, Healing, Rejuvenation, Salvation. Our SOZO company started in 2009, founded by a group of entrepreneurs led by Mr. Mark Adams with integrity, credibility successful track records of having built multimillion dollar companies in the past. SOZO is well-capitalized, debt-free company, built around the benefits of distributors. Our Compensation plan is second to none.We have both Front End and Back End Commissions and Bonuses, Exotic car allowance, Housing allowance, Trip incentives, and important benefits including Health, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance, Retirement Fund 401-k. I never heard in my over 20 years in the industry any network marketing company with these benefits. Obviously, these benefits were included by Mark Adams and the leaders of SOZO to address the problem of high attrition in the network marketing industry.

SOZO has Five (5) Products: Gourmet Coffee, both Brewed and Decaffeinated,
Thermo-genic or Weight Loss Coffee, Nutritional Drink, Ignite Energy Drink, SORADIANT Skin-care Product. Noteworthy to remember: Coffee berry has the most potent antioxidant among fruits. It scored 15,000 in the ORAC scale test (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) . It is 625 more potent than Blueberries. One cup of our coffee is equivalent to one cup 8 0z. of blueberries in antioxidant value. Three (3oz.) ounces of nutritional drink is equivalent in nutrient value to 21 servings of fruits and vegetables. Double blind studies of our Termo-genic Weight loss coffee showed that in 150 people, the average loss was 20 lbs. in 10 weeks.

SOZO today ( 2014) is on the momentum stage. We have a huge market. There are 400 million cups of coffee consumed in the United States alone, that’s about 3Billion cups every week!

What else can one desire in a network marketing business? That’s why I am so excited to share SOZO to anyone who wants to become healthy and financially free.
LISTEN TO THIS: ==> http://buildingfortunesradio.com/dr-awitan-peter-mingils/

JOIN here ==> http://tinyurl.com/ph4ewas

Contact Information:
Tel 713-392-5493
Skype: doctony1932
email: aristonmdmm@gmail.com